Wednesday blues 🤞🏼

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It was a Wednesday and I was going at his house with the pretext that my internet was not working only in my laptop  and he had to fix it, just so I could see him, even though 2 days passed since I've last saw him I just couldn't get enough of him .

I knocked at the door at his house just happy to finally get to see him, again. He opens the door and I can't help but hug him immediately with a big grin on my face... I held him tight against me not wanting to let go and feeling the warmth of his body against mine hoping this would never end or neither was a dream.

While he pulls back he smashes his soft lips against mine like he was craving me as much I was craving him.

He pulls me into his house and takes me  into a lift hug while he was still kissing my lips and we both were trying to get upstairs without breaking the kiss.

I pushed him back on the bed and climbed on top of him and started to kiss his jaw ,then his neck  and going slowly down in his stomach , as I was going down into his magic thing he moans while I sucked it , I could see he was enjoying it and it wasn't feeling as uncomfortable as I thought since it was my first time doing that. After a while he held my head stopping me making me think "what's wrong" but then  he flipped  me over and got on top of me while saying " Now is my turn".

He took off the dress I was wearing which revealed my fit body and my red sexy underwear.  He then started to bite and suck at my skin making me moan loudly leaving me a few hickeys which knew I loved them.

He slowly slide down my panties and I could feel myself wetter than ever and I'm sure he could see it as well . I could feel his mouth licking up my kitty and it was a pleasure which I never felt before and I definitely wanted to feel again but only from him and no one else. At a point he sucked so hard as never he had before and  made me scream out so loud  but I still had that smile on my face.

At that moment I could feel him going inside me which made me moan a lot I can say so I held as tight as I could in his back ,  at that moment kissing his lips was like an urgency to me ... I just wanted him and nothing else in this world.

After a while I feel him cum inside me which made me feel quite scared cause I didn't wanted to get pregnant. Maybe one day I wish me and him we would have some kids but that day wouldn't be today.

I feel him go out and he climbs up in my body kissing hard my forehead and then my lips saying of how much he missed me and oh god I did too all I wanted was to spend my time with him cause nothing else mattered to me.

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