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real life

she loved him.

that was cora's conclusion as his car pulled out of her driveway and her smile faded when she could no longer see his. his smile made her melt, something she never before saw in a positive light. now, though, when it was paired with a hand lightly placed on her thigh as they drove down the california streets, she couldn't fathom how she ever hated the feeling it caused. she wanted to melt. she wanted to be put in a state where she could be molded and shaped in whatever way he chose, because then she would be his.

she wanted to be his.

the front door swung open behind her, and two arms pulled her backwards into the home. she spun around in fear that she was about to be murdered or injured or anything else that could classify as harmful, but she quickly realized there was no threat when jacob and troye grinned down at her.

"spill," jacob said.

"what?" she looked up at them, confusion mixing with her happiness.

"oh my god you're smiling!" troye practically squealed.

cora rolled her eyes and moved past them into the house. the two boys trailed closely behind her, urging her for details of her date.

"you're so annoying," she sighed. "he took me to breakfast with gina and louis and then we went to the same hill we went our first night out and just talked."

"just talked?"

her face wrinkled in disgust at her brother's question. "yes, just talked."

"did he kiss you yet?" jacob nudged her shoulder.


"did he try to kiss you yet?"


"what a pussy."

"troye!" cora and jacob looked at each other as his name left their lips, both equally as shocked.

"why are you hoping your sister gets kissed? shouldn't you be on his doorstep threatening to beat him up? isn't that what good brothers do?" the latter of the two asked, while the girl meekly exclaimed, "you're fucking disgusting."

the couple started to bicker over what qualifications made him a good sibling, and cora smiled at them. her brother had found love — real love — and she could only hope for the same. even after two years the way the two boys looked at each other never changed. their eyes were filled with compassion and kindness and the corners of their lips tugged up into tiny smiles whenever their gazes intercepted.

cora's phone buzzed against the kitchen counter, and her brother stopped talking to direct his attention to her. "is that him?"

"i don't know." she tried to hide her grin from them as she looked down at the screen, seeing his name followed by a short text message.

i hope you aren't sick of me yet because armie will not shut up about actually meeting you and wants to have you over for dinner

just the four of us this time. no crazy parties

troye's arms wrapped around his sister's body and he attempted to jump for joy, ultimately resulting in him shaking her body repeatedly while she tried to stabilize herself. "he wants you to meet his fake parents. this is incredible. you two are going to fall in love. i can feel it, cora."

she shoved him off of her, her gaze dropping to the wooden floor of the home they were sharing for the time being. her smile faltered as she thought about the last time she let herself fall in love. the thought of those emotions struck a nerve, and she instantly felt like folding in upon herself.

the two boys felt the sudden shift and jacob reached out across the counter to hold her hand.

"you don't have to think about love yet. it took troye and i months before we could even comprehend the word. just take things at a pace you're comfortable with," he said.

cora smiled at him. she stood and moved to hug the two boys. with her head resting into jacob's shoulder, she mumbled, "i'm scared i'm not going find someone to live up to what you two have."

"you will, c. i promise."

lyricist. timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now