Part Three

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Over the last week, Zo and I have been texting non-stop. I'm talking about I fall asleep texting him and wake up to texts from him. Today wasn't any different.

Zo: "Good morning Brie 😘"

I feel like I'm in a dream. I've had a crush on this guy for the better part of the time I've known him and now, all of a sudden, he's into me too? I'm totally not complaining it's just... it's so surreal.

"Good morning Zo ❤" I replied after rubbing my eyes.

We've also been hanging out more often than usual. I went over to LA with him when he was moving into his new apartment and he came home over the weekend. We watched movies, had dinner, went shopping and lounged by the pool.
As I recalled our time together my phone buzzed indicating that I had received a text message.

Zo: "How's my girl doing this morning?"

Me: "Great! It's always great to wake up to a text from you.." I typed.

I pressed send and got out of bed starting to get ready for my training session. I walked into the restroom and did my morning routine; then I changed into Gymshark leggings, a matching sports bra and my Adidas. My phone buzzed again.

"I'm heading over to my training session right now. I'm sure you're doing the same? Lol" Zo's text read.

By now we knew each other's daily routines.

"You got it! Gelo and Melo should be picking me up soon." I replied quickly and went back to braiding my hair.

Zo: "Tell my brothers I said hi. I'll facetime you when I'm done with Justin yeah?"

Me: "That sounds good to me 😁"

I hit send and threw my phone in my duffle bag. I swung the bag over my shoulder and started heading downstairs to the kitchen. The clock read "7:48" so I knew i had a couple minutes to make some toast before the guys showed up. By this time my house was empty. Since both my parents were doctors they had to be at the clinic before 8:00AM and my brother, Danny, had to be at the law firm by 8:30AM. I put a piece of wheat bread into the toaster and set the timer. Meanwhile I scrolled through Instagram liking a few posts here and there. A couple minutes later my toast popped out of the toaster and I began spreading peanut butter on it. Before I had a chance to slice up a banana I got a text from Melo:
"Aye we're here 😴"

I giggled at the emoji as I began collecting my things. I swear Melo could sleep for days and still be tired. I walked out the door and got into Gelo's car.

"Good morning guys!" I said cheerfully.

"Morning Brie" they both said in their sleepy voices.

"Ya'll want some toast?" I offered

"No I'm good, why are you so happy today?" Gelo asked.

"Oh you know, it's good to start the day off with a smile." I half-lied.

Lonzo and I weren't official yet and I didn't know if he'd mentioned anything about us to his family so I didn't want to bring it up right now.

"Cut the bullshit Brie. We know you and Zo are... 'talking'" Melo said reaching for the banana in my duffle bag.

When he said that, I noticed that Gelo looked out his window, it kind of seemed like his jaw tightened up too.. but I could be imagining that last part.

"Oh! Uhh.. he told you guys?" I asked surprised.

"You'd have to be blind to not notice." Gelo commented in an irritated tone.

"Yeah Brie, you guys make it really obvious. I mean you guys hang out ALL the time and when you're not together, you're constantly texting each other." Melo added.

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