A rocking time

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A few days passed and Marco had came back and the football team was scheduled to play away in the next state against Maria University. "Earth to Krista? Hello?" Ymir asked right beside her waving her hand trying to get the blondes attention. Alas no result as Krista was daydreaming, she didnt know why but for the past few days she couldnt stay focused. Ymir smirked as she quickly snatched up Krista's journal finally attracting her. "YMIR GIVE THAT BACK!" Krista yelled jumping up to try and reach it from her friend's grip 'Damn her for being so tall.' Krista thought as she continued to jump. Ymir laughed as she finally tossed her journal onto the bed where Krista grabbed it and put it into her purse for safe keeping. "Whats with you, you've been in a daze these last few days." Ymir said, she could probably guess it had to do with Eren. "Im just in a good mood." Krista said giggling as she layed back in her bed as she heard her phone go off.

She opened the message and saw it was from Eren 'Hey, Three Days Grace, Five Finger Death Punch, and Slipknot are playing tonight at the park. Do you wanna come with us?' It read and Krista's face lit up with excitement. Quickly she texted back 'Sure I'd love to.' She replied and Eren texted back 'Perfect, Reiner, Annie, Mikisa, Jean and Armin are going with us.' He replied as a knock at the door caught the blondes attention. She finished getting dressed putting on a white tanktop and blue jeans and went to the door. When she opened it Sasha stood at the door with Connie "Guys, what are you doing here?" Krista asked "Just seeing if your going to the concert tonight." Connie said "Uh, Eren just asked me to go with him to the concert so yeah." Krista said getting a wierd look from Sasha and Connie who both were grinning ear to ear. Krista didnt know why as she went to grab her purse.

After a while the three stood by the curb waiting on Eren to come pick them up. The lights of the suburban campus lit up the area very well. Connie was taking snaps with Sasha and laughing like a goof. Krista watched the glistening lights of the city shining like a sea of dimonds below them. Finally Eren pulled up with Mikisa and Armin. Jean sat holding his arms around Mikisas waist and she leaned into his shoulder. "You guys ready to head out for a concert?" Armin asked as everyone pilled in taking off into town. The radio was blaring about the concert since it was the biggest event in town recently. "I hope we can get good parking." Connie said and even Mikisa who usually never got shocked almost let her jaw hit the floor as they turned the corner. "HOLY SHIT!" Everyone said as they pulled up to the parking lot which was packed to the brims and vehicles parked along the sides of the road for blocks. "How many people are in one damn town?" Eren asked "Everyone in town is here." Krista said. After ten minutes they finally found a parking space about two blocks down. People were running towards the park in hurry to not miss a second of the concert.

After a few minutes they reached the gates handing over their tickets before heading in. The music blarred, the lights shined in every direction when Slipnot came up on stage and began playing 'Before I forget' which sent people into a frenzy. Armin, Reiner, Connie and Eren were headbanging as the music was deafening. The girls just laughed as they videotapped the whole thing.

Everyone chanted when the chorus came up "I, AM WORLD BEFORE I AM A MAN, I WAS A CREATURE BEFORE I COULD STAND, I WILL REMEMBER BEFORE I FORGET, BEFORE I FORGET THAT!" the crowd shouted all lost in the music. Jean and Mikisa had dissapeared from the group unnoticed by anybody. Behind the booths Jean had Mikisa pressed against the wall trying to makeout with her. But he moved his hands south she wasnt really in the mood for it "Babe whats wrong?" Jean asked noticing Mikisas face of concern. "Jean, look I know we're boyfriend and girlfriend but I'm not exactly ready to do 'that'" Mikisa said "Aww come on Miki, it wont hurt, and besides even Annie and Reiner did it and we've been together longer than them." Jean said "Thats them, not us, I'm not exactly wanting to get caught doing it at a concert when our friends are back there waiting on us." She fummed before going to walk away. "Listen, your acting like a little kid over this." Jean said annoyed "She said no." Someone said as they looked to see Armin with a look of concern "Back out Arlet this is our dicussion." Jean said stepping up to Armin "Jean stop acting like a jerk!" Mikisa shouted knowing what Jean was going to do. He pushed her back before swinging at Armin, but one thing Armin had that Jean didnt was practice. With one punch Armin knocked Jean out cold. Eren and the others came running "Armin are you.." Reiner asked before seeing Jean knocked out. "What happened?" Connie asked "Jean tried to get me to fuck with him, but Armin stopped him." Mikisa said wiping the dirt off her shirt. "Where in the world did you learn to hit like that Armin?" Eren asked "Levi, I asked him if he would teach me to fight." Armin replied.

When they were younger Armin had been constantly picked on because he couldnt fight back. Levi gave Armin lessons in private when he was younger. And as luck would have it when Armin moved so did Levi and his wife Petra when he got the job at Sina University. Armin helped Mikisa up with his hands shaking from both shock and excitement. "Thanks Armin." Mikasa said looking back to Jean "We're done." She said before walking off with Sasha and Annie followed by the boys.

"Should we take him home?" Eren asked "Na, let the fucknut learn his lesson, besides he's a big boy he can handle himself." Reiner said looking down at the unconcious man. If one could even call him that after the things he pulled, Reiner just left him laying there against the booth. As the boys got back to the group they seemed to have forgotten about the incident. Krista stuck close to Eren as the music roared and the gang went back to enjoying the concert.

It was about midnight when the vehicle pulled back into the dorms driveway. Eren escorted Krista back to her dorm talking about the concert and the music. "I really appreciate you escorting back." Krista asked "Not a problem besides it would be rude to leave you in the dark to walk across campus alone." Eren said making Krista giggle. Her laugh made Eren smirk, the moonlight cascaded everything but it seemed to make her eyes shine brighter. As they reached her dorm Eren had basically been carrying her like a little kid on his shoulders. She loved how the University looked at night but now with Eren it seemed to be alot better. She blushed thinking about him 'What am I thinking?' Krista asked mentally when she hopped down from Erens shoulders. The moonlight seemed to silouette the two as the stood trying to think of what to say.

Before either really noticed they got closer, and closer until Eren felt Krista's lips press against his. Both seemed a bit dazed but at the same time it felt right, safe, comfortable. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he around her hips. The whole world seemed to dissapear for a moment, all troubles, burdens, nothing existed except the two of them. As the parted they were both blushing blood red "So.. I guess this is goodnight." Eren said "Y...yeah, goodnight Eren." Krista said as she walked back into her dorm. Eren didnt know why but he felt like he'd been struck by lightning he felt energized, calm, and confusedall at the same time. Krista slid down on the other side of the door still feeling her lips where he kissed her blushing.

Little did they know of the people watching from the distance with the smirks of demons. "Lets get her." One said "No we wait for the command, for now we wait." Another said as they faded back into the dark with dark intentions.

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