Chapter 1

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„Alright! Lights Out!”

With a deep voice followed by some harsh hitting from a baton on the prison bars,
Jack Lassen gave the command for the rest period in prison of Springfield.
Surprisingly it remained quiet in the prison block.
It was Jack's first day as a prison jailer and the inmates rather ignored him.
Except for a few listless and annoyed looks, Jack didn't reap anything.
They thought at some point the europhy and the strength in his voice would soon fade away.
All lights in the cells went out. Except for one.
The former teacher, now a prison guard, turned to the cell which the light came out from.
„Hey! Lights Out!” You too ,Freak!”
Jack admonishingly glared at the red-haired inmate, who also ignored him.
With crossed arms and a suppressed growling sound, the inmates attention was focused on something else. Jack starred at the readhead for another moment,
still waiting for them to turn around to face him.

But when there was no reaction, Jack followed his gaze to the wall where a picture of a boy hung that he knew only too well. Bart Simpson.
Toy arrows were around all over the photograph of the boy, some on the wall, most on his face. Jack could tell from the look in his eyes that the red haired would only be too pleased to replace the toy arrows with real ones.
It wasn’t hard to tell that this guy hated the boy.
„You hate him too?“
Finally Jack got the attention he wanted when the inmate turned to him.
„With every fiber of what is left of my ragged soul.”

A grin spread across Jack's lips. What a coincidence. What a hell of a wonderful coincidence.
Jack leaned closer and clutched the cold steel with one hand.
„We should team up, I can get you out of here.“
For Bob who was once again in prison for attempted murder this offer was truly surprising, and welcoming.

Only now, Bob clearly interested and keen eared , started to survey his opposite.
Jack had to be a new Cop since Bob never saw him around.
His hair had a nice hazel color just as his cold eyes.
He had prominent cheekbones, his glance were sharp as a knife.
A scar graced his right cheek. Honestly, this man looked anything but a cop.
He looked rather like one of them, a criminal.
“A partner? Intriguing! Who gets to gut him like a little pot-bellied Salmon?”
Bob’s voice grew suddenly passionate and with a murderous intent.
He talked about gutting and tormenting the life out of a boy, something that rolled trippingly off his tongue as if it would be daily routine.

Jack wasn’t surprised by this reaction, on the contrary.
His lips formed a grin again as they apparently shared the same burning passion to end a boy’s life as painfully as possible.

„I assume we take turns?“

Wrinkling his nose, Bob crossed his arms again and turned away from Jack,
giving him the cold shoulder.

„No deal.“

Bob's answer caught Jack off guard.
He watched the back of Bob in surprise before his eyes darken again.
Was this man out of his mind? How could this ungrateful wretch just refuse this deal?
He’s never going get a chance like this again!
This was practically a ticket out of prison for nothing! And he refused!
It almost felt like an insult to Jack.
The former teacher let go of the bar and took a step back into the dark hallway.
Half of his face was casted by shadow, the other still illuminated by Bob's cell.
His eyes fixed the redhead with sharpness and condescension.
„Fine then, stay in this filth hole until you rot.“
Bob cursed himself in thoughts the moment Jack turned away from his cell and continued to walk up the hallway.

Damn it!

That would have been his chance to get out of here
and conduct his long-awaited revenge on Bart.
Sometimes he cursed his passion that made him jump right to the gun.

Evil Urges [ Sideshow Bob X Bart X Jack Lassen ] Where stories live. Discover now