School. ___________________________ Hello my name is Kim Jaehee and I am an outcast in society , also known to be the Emo kid.They don't know me and I have a reason to hide my emotions which is because of three girls Minah,Irene,Jennie.they made life hell ___________________________ Y/n's POV
You woke up from your bloody alarm make your ears bleed
You:Ugh a time to get up and go through hell again for the fourth time in a row...high school.
You lazily get up and go to the bathroom.Warm water inside the bath you get in,you look at your upper arms and see fresh cuts and scars.Yup you cut but not for attention,The cause of this was Irene,Minah and Jennie who made you an outcast.
Time Skip
You got out of the bath and put on these clothes.
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Your hair looks like this.
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You were done getting ready and went downstairs to go walk to school and so you did and here's the hell.
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You walk down the halls to only bump into someone.
???:Hey are you ok?
He says as he puts his hand out for you to grab and you did.You look up to see a handsome teenage boy in your eyes.
???:My name is Min Yoongi.
You:M-my name i-is Y-Y/n.
Crap!Why am I stuttering in front of a actual angel?!Kill me -_-
Yoongi:Oh ok, Hi Y/n you know where class A204.I'm sorta lost.
You:Oh that's my class I'll take you there.
Yoongi:Oh Really?! You are so kind!
You:hehe don't mention it.
You guys walk to A204 and you walked in first only to be splashed by water.
Everyone Starts laughing until...
Yoongi:Hey!That's Not nice,you should respect her!
Your vision starts to blur. You:Yoongi...don't...*thud* You faint ___________________________ Yoongi's POV
Y/n got splashed by a bucket of water and that really pissed me off because she seems like a very nice and innocent girl,she shouldn't be treated like this and I burst
You:Hey!That's Not nice,you should respect her!
Y/n:Yoongi...don't...*thud* I quickly looked behind me and I see Y/n unconscious on the ground,I got worried.
You:Y/n!Wake up! She didn't move so I picked her up bridal style and ran towards the nurses office."Please be alright Y/n,please!".