Chapter 4

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"So what's in New York?" I ask, rolling up my window.  

"I wanted to visit Ground Zero and some other places." Logan says somewhat solemnly. I can't imagine he knew anyone who died there, seeing as he never talked about it.

"Okay." I reply cheerfully, hoping it would rub off on him, which it did.

"Is there anywhere you'd like to go?" He asks, turning his head slightly towards me.

"Let's go see the Statue of Liberty. " I suggest thinking about all of the attractions in NYC. Logan gives me a big old grin at the thought. He loves history, and the Statue of Liberty definitely had some history. "You know at some point you're going to have to take me shopping."

"I am aware of that. Although, I'd suggest waiting until we live the US." He says. "Last exit." He says as we turn off onto the exit and finally enter New York City.

"We made it! " Logan pumps his fists in the air. We cheer and I play We are the Champions on my phone.

"Hey, how's that girlfriend of yours?" I ask as we turn down city streets.

"Lydia?" He asks. "Broke up with her last month."

"I'm sorry." I apologize although I hadn't cared for Lydia anyways. She drank too much.

"It's okay, I'm seeing this other lass now." He says. "Her name is Ellis."

"Ellis is a boy's name." I say.

"It's a both name." He argues. I sigh and worry for his dumb ass. He dates too much.

"Remember a few years back when you told me that you didn't believe in relationships?"  I glare at him.

"Yeah, I think I recall that." He smiles.

"They're stupid." I cross my arms.

"They are." He agrees. Then why are you in one? God boys are so stupid sometimes.


When we get to Ground Zero, I expect us to go through the museum and walk around. I was trying to prepare myself for it, since the memories of 9/11 make me sick. But instead of going inside,  I follow him around to the right side square, where the tower had once been.

I don't dare ask him why we're here and why we're not at the museum. But the lights look beautiful at night, illuminating the memorial in the most breathtaking way. I can't tell if it's the memorial itself or if it's the past behind it.  It was like it was built out of the memories of America itself.

Logan was quite a few feet ahead of me now, I had been too lost in my own thoughts that I had began to wonder on my own. He turns around now, smiling but it isn't his real smile.  

"Let's go." He says slinging his arm over my shoulder as we walked, almost as if he's using me as a crutch. It's clear something is wrong, and I wish he'd just say it. But I know better than to ask. "The museum was closed." He says quietly as they head back to the truck.

"The memorial was beautiful." I say. Logan smiles down at me and flicks my nose.


We pulled into the parking lot of a pretty average hotel, not shabby nor spendy. We walked into room 212 in complete silence, to the point where it was unnerving.

I lay down on the bed closest to the window and pull out my notebook and a pencil. Logan set his bags down on the other bed and went into the bathroom. The sound of the shower running and the air conditioner soon tuned out as I filled up the page I was writing on.

"What is it that you're so distracted by?" I'm pulled back to reality and look up at Logan. I hadn't noticed him come out of the bathroom.

"You know you're only wearing a towel right?" I ask noticing that the only thing covering his shame was a towel around his waist.

"And I might say I am damn sexy." He grins. "Answer the question, Jesi."

"A book."


"A girl."


I sigh, "And this guy she met when they were younger. He's a year older, and they make this plan to travel the world after college, but when the guy goes to college and shes in her senior year of high school, he calls her and tells her he just can't take the college life anymore and that he's going to leave with or without her. So of course she goes with him, but just for the summer because she wants to go to college in the fall. So she gets on this train and meets him in North Dakota. And they go to New York and France and Germany and Spain. All over the world. It's not like there's anything between them, though. They're just friends. But it makes the reader wish there was something because they're that good of friends. And in the end Liam -that's the boy- is going to go back to his girlfriend -Kendra- and Jessica -that's the girl- is going to go to college. And..."

"And?" He asks.

"It's the last time they ever see eachother again." I say with a sad smile.

Logan sits on my bed and looks at me intently. "And why's that?"

"Because... Liam is too old to go to camp anymore, and Jessica goes to college. Plus Liam has his girlfriend to go back to. And they'll probably get married." I mumble.

Logan laughs, "That's stupid."

I snap my head up at him. Logan may be mean. In fact, he may be the meanest Canadian ever. But he is not that mean.

He ruffles my hair in an annoying fashion, "Relationships are stupid." He says before standing up. I slap his bare back with the back of my hand.

"Go cover your scrawny self." I say rolling off the bed.

"I am not scrawny!" He cries on his way back to the bathroom.

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