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BTW, the mark on the image is Korey's contract symbol. The one in the previous chapter was Ashlynn's. Also, the center star that has those curved lines within the first circle is the mark- the rest of the image is merely designs she leaves when she wants to.


As it so happens, Grell is busy being an annoying little bitch around the palace guards. I hear the yelling and running before I ever see anything, (because of our mental link) but somehow, I know it's the sassy little shinigami that has somehow become my other best friend.

A smirk crosses my lips. I can hear Grell's voice quite clear, yelling at the mortals: "This is so fucking pathetic! Die, mortals!"

Unable to help myself, I start laughing. I break into a run, eager to help kill the humans. Obviously, they have no idea that a fallen angel is closing in on them from behind while they're occupied with capturing a male reaper.

Oh, this is going to be so fun. No one has ever managed to escape this little game alive - except for the killers, of course. Jack the Ripper even once played, along with Al Capone, who came along for a little summer vacation when I returned to my homeland to answer one of Sebastian's calls.

I push the thought of my master away and open a link to Grell's mind:

Grell! I yell mentally. Leave some for me!

Ashy! He yells back. Totally!

Somehow, without even turning, I know Korey Ravensdale has fallen into step behind me. She moves like a silent shadow, unfaltering. In fairness, all demons can do that, but she's one of the best. And so am I.

Ready? I ask telpathically.

What do you think? She replies. That just makes me grin even more. I increase my fast pace, challenging her to a race. The mortals are still some miles away, so it will be a few minutes before we reach them. 

Kor inreases her pace. We fly through the streets, and occasionally on the rooftops.

When I say a few miles, I mean about a hundred.

Right now, we're going about a hundred miles an hour. We can always increase the pace, but we enjoy freaking the humans (and the occasional demon) out. Most of the time, demons and reapers can't run this fast, but because I have three different types of species in me, I'm almost a goddess. And same thing with Kor. Because of her two bloodlines, she's the next best thing to a human-worshipped immortal.

Even with Cera, this is true.


My former best friend, the one who knows all my secrets. We were sisters, inseperatable. When we met Korey, it was as if we were tripets who had finally found each other. We always got along, and never did anything without each other.

Then, after breaking up with Sebastian, I found out she had been dating him. It definitely broke my heart, and since that day, the three of us haven't talked. I've definitely seen her around, but I stayed away. If I didn't, I could possibly kill her.

And, as hurt and mad as I am, I couldn't ever deal with that.

Stop thinking about her, Korey says. She made her choice. There was nothing you could do.

Sebastian asked for my help with her, I reply. She was kidnapped.

Oh my god, Korey pauses. When she speaks again, her voice is ice-cold. Good riddance anyway.

With that, she pulls ahead in the race, forcing me to run faster.


"Grell, what happened to letting Kor and I kill some guards?" I compain.

The red-haired reaper shrugs. "Sorry. I got excited."

"I can tell that," Kor replies dryly, surveying the scene. The bodies of the soldiers litter the lawn, and crimson liquid that is vital to humans is sprayed all over the grass and Grell. He grins, showing off his pointed white teeth.

"Where were you?" He asks curiously, plucking some unwanted hairs off his white shirt. Well, he shirt that use to be white. He's more concerned about the hair, however, than the blood.

"Killing some fucking stupid drug dealer and his shitty sidekick," I answer easily, avoiding the topic of Grell's one true crush. Korey senses my reasons for not mentioning Sebastian, and goes along with it.

"Lik you said last time, humans are boring," she adds. "I was barely avoiding kill my temporary mistress for her lack of regard for my skills. She was making me do desk work as a cover."

I hide my grin. "I'm so sorry."

I may have, accidentally, arranged for my demonic, soul-reaping best friend to do what she hates most- be confined inside a human building with lustful men.

I have no doubt that this mistress will walk in to find the bodies of every single worker that even glanced at Korey, and her mark left all over the walls.

"Well," I change the subject. "We have some time left before the double date. Anyone hungry?"

"I am," Kor replies. We exchange a grin, and run off, leaving Grell behind us. He quickly catches up, and takes the lead, directing us to where he found the last humans. When we get within an appropriate distance, I slow my run to a walk. "Guys, let's scare the crap of them."

They agree to my plan.

Two minutes later, I'm walking beside Korey towards the palace, gesturing with a long, gleaming knife, and making pretend stabby-stab motions, and grinning like a maniac. Korey is laughing and nodding and pretending to make suggestions to my stabbing technique.

When we look up, the guards all are staring intently at us, glowering. "Go back!" One shouts. "We won't hurt you otherwise!"

"Otherwise what?" I say cheerfully, giving him a devilish smile. "We're just waiting for the Queen."

"Miss, please put the knife down," he says. We're within thirty feet of them.

I pout. "Be nice."

"Shall we teach them to be nice?" Korey suggests loudly.

"Absoulutely," I agree. "After all, we don't have anyone here to do it for us." My emphasis on the last sentence is lost on them. I shake my head mentally; if our race had wanted to, demons would have wiped out humans ages ago. As it turns out, we rather like their stupidity and niativity.

Still, pathetic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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