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Never have I ever seen a two-headed dog until today.

"Welcome to the School For Good and Evil!" one of the heads proclaims. The one next to it just scowls.

I glance at Agatha, who is next to me looking just as confused as I am, perhaps even more.

"What. Is. This." she murmurs quietly.

I laugh a little. "I'd welcome you to this world, but I think he just did," I whisper, indicating the dog-man (or men?) prowling the stage.

The friendly head introduces himself as Pollux, and introduces the scowling head as well, whose name is Castor.

We're trapped in that room for the next hour or so, listening to all the rules about the castle, until an Evil boy yells: "WHY DOESN'T EVIL WIN ANYMORE??"

"Oh frick," I mutter. Agatha looks at me confused. "He's hit the hot button."

The whole theater bursts into yells, including Chaddick yelling about "writing some Happily Ever Afters right then and there." I give him a look and he sits down in his seat again.

"Ok, well then what about this?" The same boy yells again, pointing to the blonde girl I'd seen earlier. "She's not a Never! She's not evil!"

"And she's not good!" Someone I don't recognize points to Agatha, and I scowl at him. "This school is messed up!"

"We have a female KNIGHT!" Beatrix yells, jumping on top of her seat. "That's not possible! Everyone knows girls can't do a BOY'S job!"

Tedros and I both jump up at the same time. "Excuse me!" I yell at her. "Who's the one who BEAT all of the guys?!"

"She's the daughter of King Arthur, she can be whatever the heck she wants!" Tedros yells.

Beatrix flounces out into the aisle, and climbs onto the stage. "It's really in her best interest to become a princess!" She yells. "I mean, what guy would choose her if she was a knight?" She laughs and says softly to herself; "What guy would choose her regardless?"


Chaddick and Tedros are both insanely mad, and I'm with them. Just as Beatrix is about to respond, a voice yells out: "SHUT UP!"

Beatrix spins around to see the mean head snarling at her. She shrieks and falls off the stage, landing flat on her back in the aisle. The entire theater erupts in laughter.

"You all are dismissed," the nice head says softly.

Whoa that went 0-69 real fast amirite

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