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Before today, August 10, I never had a locked ending with a story. My idea for the story is only halfway. But now, thanks to Cris08 enligthing me, i have one now.

So before more views this story gets, ill change the description and title to fit more with the whole story. So from now on, NOT A BAD THING will be entitled I'LL NEVER GO. The title cames from a filipino song that i will post somepoint in the future. So in few hours/days, i'll came up with a better description and chapter titles. Because my first idea is to play around with the phrase "NOT A BAD THING". But I'll think I'll just go with One Word Title for each title. Also I need to fix the media's i added to the previous chapters. Gonna replace the title in the pictures.

And as a bonus, here is a picture of Arian played by RYAN KELLEY.

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