Chapter 1

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You were sitting in your cell, looking out the window at Earth. You wished you could go there. You knew it wouldn't ever happen in your lifetime. Until some guards came in and put this bracelet on your arm. It was very painful, but after a bit, the pain stopped but the thing was there permanently. You were so confused, "What's going on?" You asked.

"I'll tell you what's going on. You are going to Earth." A guard said. You couldn't believe it.

"But isn't it still not safe down there?" You asked.

"Enough questions. Just go with us." The guards dragged you to the dropship, you looked over to see your friend Jasper being dragged to the same place.

"Jasper! What's happening?!" You yelled to him. He looked over at you.

"(Y/N)! I don't know!" He called back as you and him were pushed into the drop ship and sat down. You looked around, seeing all these teens around you. In the ark you were punished for many stupid things, and if you were below the age of 18, you had to wait to be floated. You were only 17 yourself, your birthday was only a month away. The reason why you were locked up is because you stole a book from the library without checking it out. It's a dumb reason to be locked up, but they want less and less people on the ark to save air.

You were seated next to Jasper and Monty, scared out of your mind. You had no idea what Earth was going to be like, and if it was even safe for humans still. You looked over at Jasper, then over at chancellor Jaha. He was talking about how everyone in the drop ship was going to Earth to survive. Everyone now knew why they had an Earth Skills class. They were being sent to be killed. You hoped that Earth was survivable. It has to be if they're sending us all down there.

There was a gunshot heard and everyone gasped, Jaha was shot and a guy ran into the ship and closed the door. He was wearing a guard's uniform. You were confused on why he wanted to get onto the ship so bad, but you didn't really care after a while.

During the time the drop ship was flying down to Earth, you reached over and held Jasper's hand. The both of you were scared. You didn't know if you were going to die or not. Someone already did die from unbuckling their seatbelt. Some girl named Clarke yelled at him for it but he died. You got scared so you decided to leave your seatbelt on.

The landing sucked, it was very rough. You made an "oof" noise when you felt the landing. Then you slowly unbuckled your seatbelt. Everyone did too. You got up with Jasper and the rest, curiously going to the door. Someone opened the door and there it was, Earth. It was so beautiful, everything you had imagined. The air smelled great, it felt natural. You looked over at Jasper, he looked amazed as well. We couldn't wait to live on Earth. It seemed alright to live here anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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