Captain America/Steve Rogers

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A/N And we have Captain America. Sorry for not updating! :(

Sherlock: *reads newspaper*

Captain America/Steve Rogers: *knocks on door* Hello?

Sherlock: *puts down paper* *thinks* Come in.

Captain America/Steve Rogers: *comes in* Umm. I was sent by Tony Stark with apologies about your wall.

Sherlock: *smirks* *stands up and adjusts blazer* So I hear. *goes into kitchen*

Captain America/Steve Rogers: *stands there awkwardly*

Sherlock: Tea?

Captain America/Steve Rogers: Uhh, yes thank you. *looks slightly confused*

Sherlock: *comes out* You weren't expecting me to be polite, were you?

Captain America/Steve Rogers: Well. Yes. Stark didn't say much that was good about you.

Sherlock: *waves hand dismissively* Probably because he can't stand anyone being a genius besides him.

Captain America/Steve Rogers: *laughs* True.

Sherlock: *pours a cup of tea* How do you take your tea?

Captain America/Steve Rogers: Brown, one sugar.

Sherlock: *nods* *hands him tea* *sits down*

Both: *make amiable conversation*

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