The unexspected turn

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Right after Mya says that the ground starts shaking and a chunk of the second floor falls behind them and they couldn't see the door so they would have to use the fire escape. " We have to use the fire escape if you have one that is" Mya said. " Well we did but it broke from 2000's earthquake so we never had the money to build a new one or fix it but after this medication is done and we send over seas we will build one i promise" Alexander said.  " Wait where is the antidote" Mya said. "It's almost like someone does not want us to save peo-" Mya said. "Be quiet the floors in hear are super squeky so their louder than the eathquake we made it that way on purpose" Alexander said. "Oh so that's how you knew i was here" Mya said. "Yes it is and be quiet so i can listen" Alexander said. They waited to hear the creaking in the ground but only hear the earthquake. "I don't hear anything" Mya said. "I do you hear the laser in room F11" Alexander said. "I do let's go" Mya said. By the time they got there the lasers were staring at something on the ground what was it. "What is that" Mya said. " I can't tell" Alexander said. "Let's get closer" Mya said. "No the lasers will be triggered" Alexander said. "Oh so how do we see the thing if we can't get closer to it" Mya said. "We cut the wires" Alexander said. "Where are the wires Alexander all the way across in the other side" Mya said. "No actually it's right over here" Alexander said. Alexander and Mya walk over to something that blends in with the wall really well and they open it. "Ok Mya you said you were good with wires and stuff right?" Alexander said. "Yes i did and i'm good with making things also" Mya said. "Ok now do your thing and shut down the lasers" Alexander said. "Ok i will" Mya said. Mya looks at the complicated cords and starts working on them.

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