Chapter 2 : Projects

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Felix used to skateboard to school, and still did, even now he was at University. Actually, it was one of the only belongings he still used from what he had brought from Australia : his skateboard. It was a cruiser, so not really a skatepark board ; it had a wooden deck and soft wheels, so he would not fall eveytime he bumped into some pavement's disagreements. Felix would secure his board into the student comitte's office, because it did not fit in his locker, and get it back after school.

Felix liked to roam a bit in his district before going home, to find some nice places to try some tricks, and discover new areas, coffees and ice-cream shacks. Then in winter, since he could not skateboard to school because of the rain and the snow, he would pick his other board and drop to the covered skatepark near the trampoline stadium. Felix could not bear not going on his board at least once a day ; he was completely addicted to it.

The next night after his boyfriend - he had to stop thinking of him as so - dumped him, and after he met Jisung, Felix was still crying. He did not take his board - the one time he did skateboard at night, he almost died, missing a hole in the sidewalk in between two lamposts. After that, Felix made a promise to himself that he would never go skateboarding at night again. So he just walked.

Felix went back to the park he met Jisung, and sat on the same bench, sighing. He was really lucky he met Jisung that night. Looking up at the stars, Felix considered why he thought so.

"If I had not met him, I would probably still be crying. Also, hoping to see him again makes me focalise on the present, gives me an immediate and concrete reason to stay alive. There is a possibility I might fall for him, but I don't think it will happen. Obsessing my thoughts is positive as I don't focalise on - him - I guess. I really need to find a way to call him. He is not my boyfriend anymore, our relation is too weird for me to call him my ex, but we clearly have been dating and now it's over."

"What about acquaintances ?"

Felix recognised the voice almost immediately and jolted, turning around to face Jisung.

"Mate, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry about that." Smiled Jisung while sitting down next to Felix. "Again, up late at night ?"

"Caught myself crying again, needed some fresh air I guess." Tried Felix with a grin, but Jisung simply sighed.

"Come here," the other answered, opening his arms. Felix just curled up onto Jisung and started sobbing again.

"Shhh... shhh... Felix, darling, you're fine. Look at all the pain you get from him ! Is he worth it ? If he hurts you, then he is not."

"Yeah, but I was... kinda used to love him, ya know ? It doesn't disappear by slapping your fingertips, ya know ?"

Jisung laughed a bit and started rocking Felix slowly.

"You need to make new acquaintances - I mean -"

They both laughed at Jisung's blunder, and Jisung went on : "Ya know, meet new people. Make friends. Go out on saturday evenings. Get all that shit out of your mind."

"Sure Jisung, when do we start ?" Sarcastically asked Felix, straightening up.

"Come on Felix, you already started with me. I came to you, now you need to work a bit on yourself as well. Wait - I actually have an idea -"

"It sounds terrible."

"Felix - you haven't heard it yet !"

"I don't need to hear it to know it's a terrible idea."

"Come on man !" Said Jisung, standing up, his voice faking indignation.

"Fine..." Sighed Felix, smiling. "Let's hear that terrible idea of yours !"

Jisung shook his head but sat down again, mimicking annoyance.

"Would you come to our studio and meet Chan and Changbin hyungs ? Chan hyung is Australian as well."

"Wow really ?! What a coincidence !"

"I don't believe in coincidences..." Started Jisung.

"Neither do I..." Cut Felix.

"I believe in destiny !" Both ended together. Then they bursted into laughter.

"That was so incredibly cliché !" Stated Felix.

Jisung noded and they took a time to calm down.

"So, are you okay to meet them then ?"

Felix smiled, his first radiant and true smile of joy.

"Yes ! I can't wait, thanks Jisung !"

"Ahah ! I'll text you then, baby booooy."

"Don't -"

"G'night, baby boooooy !" Shouted Jisung while running away from an embarassed and angry Felix. "That nickname definitely suits you, baby boooooy !"

"Jisung you cunt ! Get back here right now !"


Yo baby boy, when do you end your classes ?

Hi Jisung, I'm fine and you ?

Come on
I'm fine
How are you ? Are you enjoying your day ?

Yup thanks ! 😊
I'm listening to a great song !
It's called Castle of Glass

Isn't it Linkin Park ?

Yup ! You know it ?

I wasn't expecting you to listen to that type of music

Are you assuming my tastes

When did you say your classes end 😂 ?

Classes end at 6pm
Why ?

Okay where do you go to school ?

At Sopa, but you sound like a stalker

Really ?

Well, you're being weird asking about my uni and times

I was talking about Sopa
I study there too
Weird we never met each other before

Wah you study there too ?!
But ya know
It's kinda 2,000 students
I usually have to text people to find them in there
And since we did not know each other it's not surprising

Yeah, plus you're in arts and I'm in ecos
Not the same courses and sectors

Now why did you want my times ?

Oooh yeah
So I could pick you up after school
And bring you to meet Chan and Changbin hyungs
Guess I don't need to drive anymore 😋
Are you fine with it ?

Completely !

Ahah np man
See ya then

Where do we meet ?

Well at the studios ?

Which ones ?

The school's obvs, which other ones ?

Oh so
They also are at Sopa ?

Chan and Changbin hyungs ?
It's a partnership or whaterver

Oh ok
Then see ya

See you ! 👋


I love how Jisung doesn't act surprised when Felix compares him to a stalker ^^

And chapter 2 is out, yay !

Word count : 1064 c:

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