chaete 3: planfinf the gr8 war

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after ou kickc ed B et er rabbit out of tur hous re u deieced to gather a arnmy and kill all of petetr rab it and his fam. You h o p into urr  tur ck and drive from the uk or whatever to hawaii thate s where ur twin brother lives with his 30 pesent wife property and gamer head s on his wall he a furr y. :O) :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))HB. then when you get to hawaiiyo turn off  the one song on spotify you have downlowded. lancer. now ur at hawaii.

you waslks on the path to ur fu r brother  house. after an teo miniutes A burgershort apears .!!! "OH NO" you screetch. "HAHAhA u will never defat me loser cuz im an eoic fornite gamer HAHAH! and FurrYS are DiSCuSTUign THa Y DOn tdeserve to LI ve !!!!" the burgershort told you aas he shot a big thic light fire thing tords you. you doged but he shot more and hit yrur arm! "YOURCH" you screem and every thing Goes BL A ck. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo

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