Girls in Black (A One Direction Mystery)

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*MACY'S P.O.V.:*

"Can you believe it? We are actually going to finally meet up in England next week." I typed the message to my two closest friends on this website called Wattpad. We had never met before in real life. I was from California, Jessie was from the midwest, and Alli was from Florida.

"I know. We finally can be the 'Girls in Black' secret agent group." That was Alli. 

"YESH!" And that would be Squirrel. Yes, she was a little weird in the head. We all were, to be honest. Just a bit. I shut my laptop and walked over to were my suitcase was laying on the bed. I started to pack my stuff. I couldn't believe I was actually going all the way to London!

"Macy! Time for dinner!" My mom called for me. I came down the hallway. My dinner was already on the table. Chicken patties and... green beans. Blech.

"So, are you excited for next week? Me and your dad are going to miss you a lot." My mom said. I never answered. My dad was worried I was gonna run off with some guy and never come back. The only person I told him I would do that with was Louis Tomlinson or Harry Styles or Zayn Malik or Liam Payne or Niall Horan. He still didn't believe me.

I'm sure I would have a great time on my way to the airport. I got up from the table, sighed, and walked back to my room. I need to find my hairbrush...


"Mom, for the 100th time, I'm fine. I'm not gonna die. I'll be okay. I mean, psh, it's just England." My mom was worried sick about me going to England by myself to meet up with two girls I have never met before.

I looked out my window for a bit. Then I got back to packing. I listened to some music and obnoxiously sang the words. My dad told me to shut up about 100 times. He wasn't a nice person.

"Don't run off with some boy while you are over there. Especially not one of those One Direction guys. I can't stand them. They are into boys, probably. So it doesn't really matter." My dad told me. Why was he glued onto the fact that are gay? Because they clearly are a straight band...

Am I stupid? Of course they aren't straight! But I just ignored my dad and kept packing. Hm-di-doo...

*ALLI'S P.O.V.:*

I kept getting the stupid parent speech from my mom and dad about not to run off with any boys or not to try and kill someone. Can they just shut up for once? I mean, really. I was leaving in a few days to go meet my two friends on Wattpad in England. I'd like to spend the next few days in the peace and quiet. Is that too much to ask? Listening to my mom blab while folding the laundry, I guess so.

It was getting closer and closer to go time. I wondered and wondered what the two girls would be like. They seemed really nice. We all got pictures of each other just so we knew what we looked like. We were all excited to meet each other! I mean, three crazy girls, England, what could go wrong?

We made up a group called the "Girls in Black". It was our secret agent group. We decided that since we are girls, "Men in Black" didn't suit us very well. Mmhm, we are TOTALLY guys. No.

Finally the day came when my flight left. It was probably the longest flight ever. Like, it was really long. LONG. When I got there, I went to our hotel. Are all hotels in England THIS BIG? It's like a hotel, for... oh yeah, it is a hotel. We all shared the same room. I slid the card into the slot and stepped in. Two girls were inside the room, one sprawled across the floor, caressing it, and the other in pajamas laying on the bed, reading. 

The one laying on the bed was Jess, and the one... uh, on the floor was Macy. Macy saw me first, leaping up from her spot on the floor and hugging me, screaming in my ear. Jessie then jumped on top of us.

"Did you know this is the same hotel One Direction is staying in? Is that cool or what?" Jessie squealed. After a moment of extreme fangirling, we all decided to go on the balcony and catch up. I bet all of London could hear us! Macy got these cool watches that she said were to contact our HQ. If only we had one.

This was going to be a great vacation.

*MACY P.O.V.:*

My watch starting beeping at me. What the f***. Then it started talking to me.

"Come in, Little Lou. You there little Lou?" The watch said. We all looked at it funny. Jessie licked it. Then we looked at her weird.

"Tastes like beef," she says, licking her lips. As Alli leaned in, I interrupted.

"Don't even think about it."

"Who are you and how do you know my agent name?"I asked it back, hoping it wouldn't answer. But it did.

"I know you. I am the head of the Girls in Black. That's you guys. Tacito, Squirrel, Little Lou. I have a mission for you guys. One Direction has been reported missing. They were seen being dragged from the seen of the crime by four males in a black. No one knows who they are. It is your job to save them." We all looked at each other strangely. Us save One Direction? That did not even sound like a good idea. In fact, it sounded like a BAD idea. Us? Seriously? Three odd girls?

"We are on it, um..." I didn't know the wierdos name.

"Simon. Call me Simon. Just save my boys. Simon out." And the watch turned off.

"Well, girls. I guess we should start by taking a look at the scene of the crime?" It came out as a question. I didn't think we would actually do a mission. This was going to make everything worse. And we had to get them back before the music festival, which was a week away. Oh god.

We walked down to the lobby and explained the whole story. The lady working the front desk gave us a look but gave us the spare key to their room. We found the floor. We found the room. This should be easy. But the room was destroyed.

"This is gonna be harder than we thought." We all said at the same time. Yes, we think alike. Would that be enough to go on a insane mission to go up against kidnappers, save our favorite band, and get then back in a week? Uhhh... maybe?


Sooooo.... first chapter up. Sounds interesting, right? Hope that you guys all love it. Its hard to write with a jointed account. (Especially when I had to run off somewhere!) Well, vote, comment, fan. YOU KNOW THE DRILL! And by the way, these ARE NOT our real names. I felt like we should change them for safety purposes.

We love our fans.... Little Lou, Tacito, and Squirrel

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