Chapter One

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*ALLI'S P.O.V.:*

"Don't worry. We can do this." I tried to tell the girls as we all look in shock at the sight before us. Things were knocked over, there was stuff everywhere, and it looked like an earthquake had just happened. Wait, did I just say we could do this?

We all stood near the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. Ooh, pretty view... FOCUS!

"Will you please explain to me how the heck you plan on figuring out if there are any clues to this case in this... this... this warzone?" Jessie told me while trying to make her way to the couch.

"No one can. It's obvious this case is gonna take longer than a week." We all started to chatter about how we could find the clues we needed. Until we were shushed by a British accent.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my room?" We all quickly turned our heads towards the door. No way. I must be dreaming. I was going to say something, but Macy was the first one to speak. Jessie just kind of... moaned?

"Oh my God! You're Louis Tomlinson." We still all looked in shock. I thought One Direction was kidnapped. Did I miss the memo? Thanks to Simon, our idiot HQ leader, we could not need to search for the boys at all.

"Yes. You girls look like your looking for something. Or someone..." He trailed off, giving Macy a confused look. She already nearly knocked him over by hugging him. Her eyes were like saucers.

"Hey Louis, where are the rest of the boys?" Jessie asked in a cheery voice. That silly girl had her moments. Why couldn't she be, I don't know, a smart person or something?To much to ask? Yeah, I think so too.

"Idiot. What do you think we are looking for? So Lou, you wanna hear the story?" I asked. He nodded his head and sat down next to me. We explained the whole thing, and he looked upset.

"Psh, you're kidding, right? Who would kidnap the guys?" He said all frazzled. He was actually attempting to be serious.

"That's why we are here." Macy piped in. She was like, really close to Louis for some reason. Oh yeah, he was her favorite. He actually at one point put his arm around her. Weird. We've known each other for like twenty minutes and they already are falling in love with each other. This is going to help our situation a lot. Hear my sarcasm?

"Um, Macy is it?" Louis finally asked Macy.

"Yeah. That's me." She said, pointing to herself. Jess nodded, as if comfirming her statement.

"Can I talk to you out on the balcony?" She nodded and followed him to the balcony.

"I wonder what they are going to do out there?" Jessie said as she walked over to the bathroom. I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. She came and sat next to me. We tried to find something good on TV, but everything on was crappy stuff. Fine, I guess we are watching the freaking news.

*MACY'S P.O.V.:*

Louis just asked me if we could talk privately on the balcony. I'm still freaking out over the fact he's here.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him as I walked over to where he was standing. Before he said anything, he pulled me into him and cried sofly into my shoulder. And of course, I let him. When he pulled away, I was breathless and shocked. What the hell. Louis Tomlinson just got my shirt wet. EE!

"W-what was that for?" I asked him. I was almost hypervenalating.

"Because? My life is kind of... well, messed up at the moment." I looked at his smiling face. His smile was perfect. His eyes were beautiful. His hair was sexy as hell. He was just everything.

"Yeah, I think so." He smiled and pecked my lips. My eyes widened and so did his. With a wave of my hand, it was brushed off.

Did Jessie and Alli think something was weird about me and Louis holding hands and laughing as we walked back into the room?


"Um, do you want to tell us why you two are holding hands." I asked Louis and Macy.

They both blushed furiously and stepped away. LOL!

"Guys, we got some clues for the case. Guys!" Alli tried to get their attention. They were staring at eachother. Wierd. Finally they realized we were in the room.

"Ok, so, Big Time Rush got voted out for the music fest One Direction would be in. But they were told that if One Direction could not be there to perform, they would take your place. So maybe they kidnapped the four boys when you were not here just so they could perform." Alli explained to them. They nodded. Then Louis spoke.

"But Big Time Rush is close to us. I never thought they would do this. But it sounds just about right when you add it all together." He looked confused. He bit his lip, still thinking.

"You are so cute when you try to solve a mystery." Macy said smiling at him. He glanced at her and she blushed again.

"So, what do we do?" I asked everyone.

"Well, I say we check outside the hotel lobby. Maybe we can find something down there." Macy suggested. We all nodded. First Louis had to go put on his beanie and sunglasses. He didn't want us to get mobbed by a bunch of fangirls.

We all looked around in the bushes and grass and trees and stuff. Well, me and Alli did at least. Lou and Macy were too busy... what were they doing?

"Hey guys, look what I found." I called for everybody. All three of them came over to me.

"What is it, Jess?" Louis asked me. I pointed to the bark that was on the ground.

"It's a lizard. That's one point for me." I smiled. Alli smacked my head. "Ow!"

"You idiot. We are not trying to find animals. We are trying to find clues as to who the hell kidnapped One Direction and where they are." She said. All three of them gave me their best "are you stupid" faces and walked away.

"Hey, look what I found. It is actually important." Louis said eyeballing me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"It's an i.d. The picture is covered in dirt, so I can't see it. The name is hard to see. It says James Maslow." Alli read. We all got smirks on our faces.

"And look." Macy pointed out. "Here are footprints, but it looks like someones heels were dragged through the dirt." We all looked. Too bad that is all we could find around the hotel.

"You are so much more beautiful when you make smart comments." WHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON THERE?

"You two act like love struck teenagers in middle school. Just stop already." I said. Did they care? Of course they didn't.

"There is Louis. Right there. Carlos.... grab him." We started running back up to me, Alli, and Macy's room. We shut the door. All of us were panting.

"I think we have a definite answer as to who the culprits are." Louis said. We all slowly nodded our heads.

Big Time Rush kidnapped Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam.


Updated. Thank you guys for all of the nice comments.Hope you like wat is going down. Love you guys. Vote, comment fan. You know the drill now, i hope. Bye guys. Little Lou, Tacito, and Squirrel

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