Chapter 1

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Me, Lilly Barns, might have it "easy" as a pretty well known person throughout York Chester High being one of the star basketball players and whatnot but let me tell you: my life is just as shitty as anyone else's.

I have those parents too who yell at me for screwing things up (which I do a lot). Whether its my shot or my grades everything I do is wrong. They shouldn't talk because they fuck up too. It's not easy hearing your parents fight while you try to go to sleep either.

Sorry to break it to the romantic people out there but love doesn't exist. My parents don't love. I don't even know what love is. I guess love for the game of basketball? I just don't see me falling for anyone.

So I might be good at sports and people recall to me as "pretty" and social but my life, well, it's not perfect.

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