Chapter 6-The Izuku, The Toga, And The Past

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(Izuku POV)

   "And there we go, You're all healed Izuku" Recovery girl smiled warmly. "Thank you Recovery Girl!" I said with an equally bright smile, "just don't do anything rash with your friend over there. Lord knows you shouldn't have kids this soon." My face became hot and red, "You know I wouldn't do that Granny," since Recovery Girl was similar to my grandmother before she had died when I was three. "Izuku~" Toga called out, "Toga, I will not think about doing it with you, we aren't even dating." "Not yet anyways" she grumbled out, "Alright, I'll leave you kids along for now, you have to stay here while Izuku heals up deary." Toga saluted, "Yes maam!" she was energetic, even though she was healed up, she was still energetic...odd. Recovery girl went into the backroom, so when she left, Toga jumped into my bed on top of me.

   "Toga, what do you think you're gonna be able to do?" I asked as I levitated her off of the bed with my powers subconsciously. "Have children with you" she said as she grabbed her face and blushed. My quirk stopped working and she fell on top of me, she was a single inch away from my face. So I blushed and started to look at her, it was a "WTF" type of face, she rolled over and started to laugh. "Whats so funny?" I asked as I puffed up my cheeks and sat up, "Your face was priceless. That's why Izuku." She looked at me crazily, "......Whatever..........But I have a question for you.....Why did you hold your head earlier like it was in pain." She looked like a deer caught in headlights, "was it because of what Todoroki did? Or....something else?" She flinched as I finished my sentence, "so I'll take it to be something else. Do you mind telling me?" I asked as I looked at my lap and scratched the back of my head. I tore my eyes from my lap, and looked into her golden like eyes, that seemed to shimmer even in the dark. "I'll take that silence as a's okay, it doesn't matter if you do or don't tell me." I said after 5 or so minutes, her eyes were covered in shadow by her hair. "No...." she walked towards me and fell on top of me, "I want to."

(Flash Back, Toga's POV)

   "It all started when a golden eyed girl was born, to two "Great" parents. Both of them, were just the greatest, always doing drugs, selling them, you name it, they did it. But when the kid started to walk, she became abused by her parents, which you might think. "They beat up a one year old kid?!" And you'd be correct, sometimes they beat the child so bad, that sometimes, she couldn't even breathe or walk without falling or opening a cut that the parents gave her. The child's first words, hadn't come in till she was about three, which they weren't words pertaining to her father or her mother. Instead they were "When can I leave?" Which she had picked up from her abusive mother, since her and her ex husband were always fighting. Until a year before her first words, her mom left in the dead of night with the little girl. Even though the mother despised the child, she still didn't want her to end up dead because of her ex husband. No, if the child was ever going to die....It would be by her hands only. The mother, was a bit of a psychopath with a superiority yeah, the kid had great parents. As the dawn of the child's fourth birthday appeared, the child developed a quirk.

   But it wasn't the general heroic quirk, like super strength or the ability to emit fire. No, it gave the child 4 fangs, and the insatiable thirst for blood, so driven with blood lust the child had wanted to murder everything around her. But, she didn't want to turn out like her mother, a psychopath, so she hid her quirk, and tried to sate her thirst by killing animals and drinking their blood. Later on, she had found out that she could transform into whatever blood she consumed, either until the blood got out of her system, or the transformation. But, she had used this to escape from being beaten multiple times by her mother. But one day, when the girl was seven and forced to be home by her frightened mother. She was beaten severely, her face was bruised and battered, and some of her fingers were broken. So, when her mother had gone to bed, the child, snuck down into the kitchen and grabbed an extra sharp knife. She went to her mothers room unable to satisfy her thirst for blood, and killed her, stabbed her right through the heart."

   I paused looking to Izuku to see his reaction, "go on" he said politely. "So the Child, Dan away from the "home" that her mother had created with her. And has been on the run ever since, living on the streets, until she had been taken in by a hero. Chizome Akaguro, sure he killed heroes for a living, sure he was a mass murderer. But he was the only person to look after the girl, even if it killed him. Which it did, seeing as how he died shortly after the girl hit the age of Thirteen. If only All Might hadn't punched a hole into the chest of his number one fan, then maybe the child wouldn't have to become a villain."

   "So, Toga. Why did you want to hide this from me? You know I wouldn't treat you like those from your ugly past, right?" Izuku said to me, I had just then realized why I loved him so much. For he was the second person to see me as more than what my quirk is, or who I physically am. He just saw me as his best friend, Himiko Toga, the girl with a messed up life. I hugged Izuku and cried as he rubbed circles into my back. "There There, there's no need to cry, I'll be here for you." He tried to soothe me with his sweet voice that had reminded me of Chizome when he was there. "I-Izuku...Can you tell me about your past?" I asked between choked sobs. "Sure, anything to make you stop crying," I blushed, because I knew he liked me, but he was too oblivious to understand

(Flash Back, Izuku's POV)

   "It started with a green haired boy turning four, the day where most kids developed a quirk. But this day was horrific, for the boy would become an outcast for the rest of his life, seeing as how he destroyed an entire section of the city, by trying to protect himself and countless others. Grey Noumu's started to appear from the sky at an insane rate, and tore the boys mother apart with the hidden tentacles stored in their backs. Thats when the boy discovered his quirk, which murdered every single last Noumu easily, but there's more. The boy had become so angry, that all the surrounding area became hotter than pure lava. Melting the area around him along with all the corpses, including his mothers. Soon after authorities arrived at the scene, along with All Might. So seeing the kid as a threat, All Might did something he would wish he would never do again. Hit a kid with his quirk, sure it sounds like All Might killed the kid, which granted he almost did, but he didn't otherwise I wouldn't be here with you Toga!" I had said happily as she started to stop crying.

   "That was a shorter story Izuku...but I'm fine with that. Since if we are going to be a couple, we need to know more about each other!" She lunged on top of me, and kissed me on the lips, I tried to struggle out of the kiss at first, but had reluctantly melted into her beautifully tasting lips. I shut my eyes and let my burrowed love for her come out, after a solid minute of kissing, she broke for air. I stared into her shimmering gold eyes, "Has anyone told you how beautiful you are Toga? Cause you....are just stunning." Her face started to steam up and she had started to breathe heavily as if the air around her was suffocating. Soon enough, she had passed out, so I lifted her onto the bed and laid her down next to me. "I've only known you for such a small amount of time.......yet I have found somebody that I truly am happy with." I said as I looked into her smiling, yet passed out face.

I'm exhausted, And I hope that at least one or two people will get the reference of the title, otherwise I'd be sad. Anyways, I'm tired and probably going to go to bed soon. Peace!

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