(Opposites Attract) Guard Garroth x theif reader

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"Ok Y/n, you got this." I take a deep breath and try to blend in with the crowd. While 'casually' walking around the small town of Phoenix drop, I dig my hands in my little pouch and feel for the emeralds I just stole. Score!

"Stop right there you thief!" I felt the point of a sword to the back of my neck. Great..... could today get any worse?

"Put your hands were I can see them," Signing, I slowly raise my hands up and turn to face the guard. "Yeah yeah you caught me," He scoffed. Lowering his sword, I could feel his gaze from inside the helmet.

"Ha! I've finally caught you, you filthy street rat. Now hand over the pouch." I shutter hearing him call me that. 'Street rat'. Of course he thinks that, everyone does.

"Fine, take it..." He smirks in triumph. Feeling excited as this was the first time he's ever caught me in the act. "See, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Opening the pouch, he digs his hands around trying to find the emeralds. "What the hell?" He sighs in anger, they were gone.

"Haha! Yeah your right, that wasn't hard at all!"
I yell as I run off with the emeralds in my arms, Trying not to hit people as I ran back to my hiding place. "Ah damn it!" Garroth yells, getting weird looks from the villagers.

"I see she escaped again," Laurence claims, patting his dear friend on the back. "Anyway, lady Aphmau needs you. She says it's important." Garroth replies with a nod and walks off.

"Lord Aphmau," Garroth bows down, waiting for orders. "It's ok Garroth, you can stand. And I told you to call me Aphmau." He clears his throat out of embarrassment.

"Yes of course. What seems to be the problem Aphmau?" She motions him to the table and they both sit down. "It's about Aaron. He's in trouble with your father and Garte plans to send his guards to find him. But no one knows where Aaron went."

Garroth nods, trying to take in all the information.

"The only leads we have are Y/n," The lord sighs, knowing getting you to corporate will be a challenge. "How is Y/n a lead? She's just a thief." He grips his cup, wonder what a thief like you has to do with one of his lords companions. "She's apparently his sister. Aaron has only told me a little about her and Y/n fits the description and name." Lady Aphmau explains.
"Your mission is to get her to take you to Aaron. Once there, the two of you will keep him safe. Are there any questions?"

Garroth flinches. You and him are on horrible terms, why would you want to work with him? He's tried to throw you in jail for your crimes, it's not like the two of you are buddy buddy. "N-no my lord..." He cringes at his stutter.

"Perfect! Now out you go!" Aphmau pushes him out of the house. Trying to encourage him to start his mission.

Now where in the world was he supposed to find you? He didn't know were you lived, or if you even lived here.

Walking down a gravel path, he spots what looks like a body on the ground?

Rushing up to the injured person, he notices the stab wounds all over them. Who the hell could have done this? "D-dont touch me," A weak voice uttered. Moving the hair out of the person's face, he soon enough noticed it was you.

"I-I said don't touch me!" You squeaked out a little louder. Trying to mover away from him. "Hey, your hurt! Don't move too much." He softly tried to persuade you. Knowing your stubborn, using force isn't something you'll go along with. "Who did this to you? It looks like they were trying to kill you!"

You rolled your eyes. "No shit Sherlock. They were just stabbing me for fun." You grunt out in pain, holding you side to stop the bleeding. Garroth glared at you, annoyed with your sarcasm. Using him to stand up, you started to wobble in the other direction. "Hey where do you think your going?" You scowl, about to blow up on him. "I'm going home, and getting the hell away from you!" Before you could walk any further, everything went black.

"Where am I?" I grunt feeling the pain all over my body. Looking around I can see cell bars. Sighing,
I roll my eyes. Of course he locked my up in a cell! He took the chance cause I was weak and vulnerable. I plop my head harshly on the pillow, already pissed with how the day's events have gone.

A click us heard and the door screeched open. "I see your awake. How do you feel?" I sit back up, watching him close the door behind him. "I've never felt so alive in my life..." He puffs out a sigh, already knowing small talk is getting him nowhere. "What do you really want? You finally put me behind bars. You here to gloat about that?" I hear a soft chuckle from the head guard. Honestly, that sounds kinda hot.

No! Bad Y/n you hate him and he hates you! Knock it off you goof!

Shaking the blush off my face, I pray he didn't notice. "Jokes aside, what happened to you? Who would do that and why?" I let a laugh escape my lips. "Like I'm gonna tell you. It's none of your business."

"Under the law of Phoenix drop I demand you to tell me," He gets in my face, his helmet almost touching my forehead. "Fine.... it was a group of shadow knights. I don't know what they wanted but I think it has something to do with my brother." I put my head down in shame. Never have I thought I would be as low as to call my own self out.

"You mean Aaron?" I look up in shock. "How did you know that?" He tsked. "Lady Aphmau told me. Her and your brother are close. She claims him as her.... l-lover." I could hear the sadness in his voice, I guess he's in love with her. For some reason that made me sad. Why does my chest hurt?

He clears his throat. "Speaking of which I need your assistance. Your brother is in trouble with king Garte. If we don't find Aaron soon he could end up in big trouble, and your the only person who could know where he is." I utter curses under my breath. "Of course he got himself in trouble was the most powerful king of history! Alright, what's the plan?"

He froze. Not really having a plan. "Uh, well... we should hike to where his camp is. And just stay there and watch over him until lord Aphmau tells us otherwise?"

I give him an amused glance, knowing he can't think of a real plan off the top of his head. He just scoffs at me. "Are you in or not?" I laugh. "This plan of yours is going to get us killed. Of course I'm in!" I stick out my hand. Just as he's about to shake it I pull it back.

"Of course under a couple conditions..." I smirk at him. He hesitantly asks for me to continue. "Well, I want you to forget about my crimes for a while. If I do this, I'm technically a 'hero'. And I want to get a slip to leave Phoenix drop." I pull my hand back up, ready for him to shake it right away. Garroth didn't say, or do anything. Little did I know, under the helmet he was having a tiny panic attack. Why does she want to leave? Is she not happy here? I mean, I guess she isn't..... she's just a thief after all. "W-why do you want to leave?" He curses at himself for stuttering, or even just asking you that question. But he had to know, it hurt him for some reason knowing that you wanted to leave.

I freeze. He can't know the real reason. It's ok, just make up something. Lie like you always do.......

"I'm a thief remember? I can't stay in one place for too long or I'll get caught. And it seems I've stayed here longer than I should've. I just can't afford the money to pay for a slip to get out." I give a fake smirk. Hoping he just goes with it. And to my pleasure, he does.

"Get a good nights sleep. We leave in the morning." He gets up and walks out the door.

Well, today's been interesting.......

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