Started Out With A Kiss

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Since I couldn't persuade the Marauders not to get a dress from Hunter (and believe me, I tried. I tried so desperately indeed) I ended up staring at my reflection in the mirror of my room in disgust. I turned this way and that, scowling and hating the feeling of the ensemble.

There was a knock at my door and I sighed. "Come in," I called out, knowing it would be the Marauders. I turned when the door opened and scowled, my hands on my hips. "Remus. This dress looks-"

"Oh wow," Sirius said on his first glimpse.

The dress was red and reached my knees. It had a lace part at the top which exempt it from being called strapless however a fair amount of my back was not covered. I scowled every time I reached back and touched my shoulder blades. I hated dresses.

I frowned. "No. It looks-"

"Ash! You look gorgeous," said Lily Evans, walking in with James. "I thought that Hunter would pick that one. It's lovely. It really looks pretty on you."

"Uh... Thanks," I said and Lily let go of James' arm to approach. "Oh, come here. Let me sort your hair out."

"My hair?" I asked, my hand rising to my iron straight and blonde hair.

Lily held her wand up and I felt my hair warm up a little then the heat faded. Lily turned me back to my mirror and my eyes widened. My hair was curled loosely. I had to admit, it looked good. Even if a freak had done it for me.

Sirius and the Marauders (minus Peter, I noticed, who wasn't going) came in with another girl who was introduced to me as Nymphadora.

"Wotcha," she greeted with a big smile. She had bright bubblegum pink hair and her eyes were a lovely lavender which complimented the dress she was wearing really well. "I'm Nymphadora. Everyone calls me Tonks."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled as she hugged me.

"Tonks is a metamorph-" Sirius started.

"Remus said she's a metamorphmagus," I said, looking at Sirius. "He was telling me you had cousins here."

"Yes well... Dora is one of the good ones," Sirius said, sighing. He linked his arm with mine. "Well, everyone. Shall we?"

The group of us set off with Sirius and I in the rear. Everyone was laughing and chatting and I found myself hardly able to listen to Sirius, never mind talk to him.

"Are you okay, Ash?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed. "Just a little nervous, I guess. Lara's meant to be going."

"Don't worry about it," Sirius said and smiled. He sniffed the air and then stopped walking to lean into my neck and smell.

"Um... Sirius?" I asked.

He stood straight again and we continued walking. "Sorry. What's that perfume?"

"Um... It's called Charlie," I said. "It's from a company called Revlon."

"I like it. Sweet but tangy," he said, nodding.

"Thanks. I'm glad you like it. I like it too or I wouldn't have bought it," I said and laughed.

Sirius laughed and we continued chatting as we got to the party. It was filled with... interesting characters... I suppose. Witches and wizards were everywhere. I was introduced to a vampire. I got a little nervous so Sirius guided me away to dance. We met up with the others by the fire not long after eleven o'clock.

"She met the vampire?" Remus asked.

"Yes," I nodded. I sat beside Tonks who was changing her hair colours to see which looked best with her new lavender eyes.

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