The Boy in the Electric Chair

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"Um. Where are we?" I looked out the window of Bubba's truck to see a field full of cars and a long line of traffic leading up to it.

"We're going to a haunted prison!"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah! We're meeting up with a bunch of my buddies, this is going to be fucking great!" I blinked over at Bubba, completely mystified that he would choose going to a haunted prison for our second date. I mean, we've only hung out a few times here and there, and our first date was amazing, but this?

"Ever thought to ask me if I like stuff like this?" He made a face at me as we turned into the field and parked his truck.

"C'mon babe, it's going to be fun!" Bubba hopped out of his truck and instead of coming over to my side like a true gentleman would, he stood right outside his door and made a phone call.

I reluctantly got out of the truck, zipping up my thin leather jacket and cursed my choice of going for cute instead of warmth tonight. I honestly thought we were going out, to a nice restaurant or bar and going back to his place for the night. But nope! I'm now following behind him, shivering my ass off and actually thanking myself for wearing legit boots instead of the heels I was going to wear. A little heads up would have been nice, but of course, he didn't seem to think that.

I finally caught with up Bubba as he found his group of friends and gave them all high fives. He didn't even bother to introduced me so I stood there in the shadows and watched as he interacted with everyone except for me. Of course Bubba was the loudest and needed the last laugh. I just ignored him, shoving my hands deeper into my pockets and shuffled my way forward into the long line that zigged zagged through the massive field.

"Hey, you must be Kara." I looked up from the ground to meet the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. They were a mix of sea green and stormy blue, it actually took my breath away. "I'm Ryan, one of Bubba's friends." I blinked out of my daze from the intensity of his eyes to finally get a good look at the man in front of me and boy did he take my breath away. He was wearing a truckers hat with long brown curly hair, his face was covered in a light beard and that toothy smile he was giving me caused a swarm of butterflies to take off in my stomach.


"Hey," I managed to say, "um, yeah, nice to meet you." I smiled back at him and I swear fireworks went off in the distance as his eyes held mine. Ryan bit his lip, took of his hat and ran his hand through his hair. I was memorized by the action that I didn't even feel an arm go over my shoulder.

"See you met my girl," Bubba smirked and leaned heavily on me.

"Yeah, alone and cold. Do you leave all of your girlfriends like that?" I was shocked that Ryan called Bubba out like that. I didn't say anything.

"Are you?" Bubba questioned, finally taking in what I was wearing.

"Maybe a little heads up would have been nice?" I offered but Bubba just laughed.

"Let me go get you some hot chocolate." He placed a wet kiss on my cheek and it made me shudder. Yeahhhhh, this isn't going to work out.

Ryan eyed Bubba's back with a look I quite didn't understand and the next thing I know, he's shimming out of his heavy brown jacket and swinging it over my shoulders. "No, you don't have to do this." I protested but Ryan shook his head no. "You should at least give it to your girlfriend." I nodded towards the group of girls beside us.

"Don't have one, and besides, you need it more than I do." Ryan pulled the collar of his flannel up around his neck and shoved his hands into his jeans.

"Are you sure? I feel guilty, and we only just met." Ryan looked at me and that smile from before returned.

"A true gentleman would make sure his girl is warm, or at least, told her where you were taking her. He told me he was bringing you and I just had a haunch you had no idea. He gets like this sometimes and truth be told, I'm kinda sick of it." Ryan stepped in front of me, helping me into his jacket now and zipped up the front. "And no girlfriend." He let the statement hang in the air between us as he looked down at me. I could get lost in his eyes if I allowed myself to, but instead I looked away and relish in the warmth of his jacket... and the smell.
Oh God does his jacket smell amazing. It was musky, but also with a hint of fresh earth, like he enjoyed the outdoors. It was suddenly my new favorite smell.

"Thank you, Ryan." I said, wanting to make a comment about him not having a girlfriend, but I didn't know him so I shouldn't. But if him giving me his jacket was any indication of how he would act with one, she is going to be one lucky girl.

"Sooo..." I offered, snuggling more into his jacket and standing a bit closer to him than I should, "where exactly are we? Bubba never said."

Ryan laughed and shook his head like he wasn't surprised. "The Charlotte Reformatory." I blinked up at Ryan, fear immediately coursing through my veins. He noticed the change in my stature because he gave me a concern look.

"The same Charlotte Reformatory that was recently on Ghost Adventures AND is notoriously haunted because of all of the murders that took place here back in the day?" Ryan shook his head guilty and I began to freak out. "Nope. Not doing this. I'm out." I turned to leave but immediately ran into a hard mass.

"Boo!" I screamed, only to be drowned out by Bubba's loud laughter from scaring me.

"I'm not doing this. Here's your jacket, Ryan, thank you for being a gentleman unlike some people." I gave Bubba a harsh glare and started to walk away.

"Why are you such a dick?" I heard Ryan say before I started to jog away.

I was away from the huge line that circled through the massive field. Everywhere I looked there were couples and friends hanging out and just laughing like what they're doing is a typical Saturday night for them. I on the other hand, can't handle anything scary. Case in point: A few years ago, my brother and I were on a haunted hayride when we were 6 and 10. It was the first "adult" activity our parents took us on (after begging endlessly on our part). I thought it was so cool, until we started to ride away from the crowds of people and into the complete darkness.

I thought everything was fine until I heard a noise I've never heard before, and then the next thing I know there's a scary clown with a chainsaw on our carriage, coming right at me. The clown actually grabbed and proceeded to pull me away from my parents.

I didn't realize until much later the clown was my uncle and that everyone on our carriage was in on the prank.I ended up crying myself asleep for the next year and vowed off anything scary. I even went as far as to not going trick-or-treating or to any Halloween parties. It wasn't worth it to me.

Now I'm standing on top of a hill looking down at the massive structure in total darkness. I can hear the screams of people inside of it and the longer I stare, the sense of pure evilness flowed through my blood. I know what happened in there, I've heard about the stories growing up, no matter how much I tried to ignore them. When the Ghost Adventure crew came here, it was impossible to not know about it since the news started to cover their investigation.

I thought that maybe tonight I could overlook everything that happened in the passed and fake being okay, but yeah, no. Not going to happen with the stunt Bubba just pulled.

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