A simple day..then..

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As usual I got up at 6 to get ready for school, I was always counted as a bad girl because I come from a rich family. Ok I admit, I do run some girls from a certain area my best friend Jung Ah and I sit. Which is under the huge sakura tree in our school yard, but they should know that's our spot.

I stepped into the bathroom and washed off. Then I got in my black and grey uniform and went down stairs. "Good morning princess" my mom greeted me."Morning..mm..where's dad" I asked since he's always at the table on mornings, "Oh~ he went to get some business done" she replied, "Oh ok..well I'm off to school" I told her then she stopped me, "So early hunnie you didn't even eat breakfast", "I'll buy something", "why? you don't like mommy's cooking", "I do. It's just I wanted this certain thing", "ah from that Kamong place right?", "yep", "Ok then later dear".

I got to my car, started it and drove off. My phone rang off signaling my bestie Jung Ah calling.

"Yes Junggie", "where are you?", "I'm driving Jung Ah, why are you rushing me?", "remember that chinese dude Tao that transfered last week?", "yea~", "I think he wants me", "haha what?", "serious wha- when you come we'll speak ok", "Ok later", "yea"

I finally had arrived at Kamong and we both ate breakfast there and Jung Ah told me about how she thinks Tao likes her because he stares her down. We finished up and headed to school.

Today was going normal until this new guy joined our class, he said his name is Kim Jongin. Our teacher had us introduce ourself and my turn was up "My name is Sung EunWon, don't laugh at my name. I'm 17 years and it's nice to meet you Mr.Kim" I said playfully. Then the school's perfect girl stood up "Hi I'm Hwa Young, you can call me kimmy and I hope we get along well" she really sickens me, she acts like if she's an angel when she a little- "Well you can sit behind Eun Won" I got distracted by my thoughts. While he was walking up to his seat I was checking him out. He's cute -he smirked at me while walking to his seat- but He seems a bit too much.

Lunch time finally reached and I met Jung Ah by the tree and told her about the boy, she said saw him already in the cafe.

I already told myself this boy is gonna be trouble.

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