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Signaling the end of lunch. Jung ah had history and I had math, "so do you have him for math too eun" she asked me, "hmm~ I don't know..I don't think so", "well it looks like it because he just walked into the class with kimmy" Jung ah said while pointing their way, "Aish! seriously, this girl does not stick when it comes to boys", "I know right, eun I'm off to class later", "yea later"
When I walked into the class I saw Kimmy sitting on Jongin's desk and he was smirking at her. "Ugh! this bitch is in my way" I said in my mind.
"Oh Eun~" you cringed at the way Kimmy called your name, "Yes Kimmy" I said playing along with her innocent act. "I'm having a party tomorrow night, will your parents let you go" she said using those fake innocent eyes, I smiled at her "Yes you'll see me there, I'm not a baby. Now can I pass?" I told her, she raised an eyebrow and moved.
In this class, it looks like I now sit behind Jongin. When I sat down I heard Kimmy say to Jongin "So i'll see you right?", "Yea" he replied, "cool, oh lemme go sit". She went to her seat, Jongin turned around and looked at me and smiled, "Oh he has a cute smile" I thought. "So Eun Won-", "You can call me Eun", "ok then are you and Kimmy close", "No", "Wow that answer was wonderful", "Jongin turn-", "You can call me Kai" then he turned back.
He speaks with such an attitude. "Ugh! Rude much" I said in my mind.
The bell rang, school has ended, our science teacher had given us a project to do so I went straight to the library to finish it up. My phone began to ring.
"Deh~" I answered, "Eun, Kimmy just invited me to her party", "Yea she invited me too, I don't know why", "and I saw her clinging on to that Jongin boy", "aish! I swear. They could probably be a couple already", "well she is using her innocent side, he must think she's an angel" the both of us laughed "So, whatchu doing?", "finishing my science project, so that I can be free for tomorrow and you know how much I hate have work on Saturdays", "Yes I know..well I'm on my way home so later", "Yea", "and imma be coming by you in the morning, ok", "Yea, later", "yea". Then she hang up. I took my time and finished off.
It was 7:00pm when I have finished "ah yes finally" I said while stretching.
I packed my bag and went home. When I arrived at my house I was greeted by my mom, "Sweetie why are you home so late", "I was finishing my science project and I stopped off for some ramen", "Ok, let me see what you did", "here".
I took the book out of my bag and handed my mom it. "ok good, go change and come for dinner" she said.
I went to my room, washed off and changed into my sleepwear then went downstairs.
My mom, dad and I sat and ate, we were talking about our day. After we finished I helped my mom with the dishes, "Ma, Kimmy invited me to her party tomorrow night", "night? hmm I'm not sure", "Please ma I already said I will go", "Eun How late will this party be, you know I don't like you out there alone when it's late", "I won't be Jung ah will be there", she sighed "Ok ok fine, you are getting older right, so You can go", "Yay!", "but be home before 11", "sure no problem, oh yea and a new guy joined school", "really now, is he cute?", "Oh my gosh ma...well he is, but he looks like a bad boy", "hmm really. What's his name?", "Kim Jongin or as he prefer Kai", "Oh....Oh..Um..I'm sure he's not that bad", "please..I'm gonna sleep ok night", "Y-yes hun".
I noticed that she acted weird when I said Kai's name. I wonder why. I shook off the thought and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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