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"Autumn! Why would you do this?."
Vaati shouted.
Looking very distressed.....
Autumn stated down at the ground tears starting to form in her eyes but not as many as (y/n) was going to shed in just a mere few seconds.
"Why did you do this to him autumn?!? Because your fiancé was unfaithful for one second? Yes I know that was wrong and I'm sorry but can't you see I'm in love with shadow and I don't want your fiancé anymore.....
I just want my shadow......now tell me how to fix this or I'll never forgive you for this!."
Vaati took a few min to reassure autumn that even though her mindset was in the wrong place she could use her golden heart that he knew she had and she could fix this and everything could be normal again.
Autumn sighed and looked up vaati smiling as he wiped away her tears and hugged her.
(Y/n) still furious impatiently tapped her foot on the floor.
"I'm waiting."
She said.
"Okay, okay.....
The only way to fix this is by....
You have to go to a fairy fountain, a hidden fairy fountain, but before you go into the fountain you must find a rare flower called the daydream petal.
The daydream petal has a herb that will help cure any sickness or curse that has been put into the mind making whatever was put upon the person reverse and everything will go back to normal. Then after finding the daydream petal you must find the fairy and she will put spell on the flower, come back and burn the flower 🌺 put its ashes in a cup
Mix the burnt ashes with some healing elixir.
And put something you value most inside the drink.
Before you give the drink to shadow say
I love you 3 times and mean it or it won't work....
The fairy fountain however
Relocates itself every time it's found....
So it stays a secret.....
I'm really sorry (y/n)....
It took forever for me to find it and now it's gone.......it might take forever to find it again....
I'll help if you want me and v-
"I'll go find it myself....keep shadow safe."

Shadow X Reader ~ Accidentally in love (Book 1) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now