Annie she tore you down and made you feel like you were nothing and I made you "feel whole again" you said as you kissed your girlfriends cheek. Most nights I would want to punch you in the mouth. To scream hey fucktard I'm obviously in love with you why can't you notice the obvious but you didn't. I told you a couple weeks ago and you treated me like a charity case. Like the first slice of bread "you're beautiful. And a guy's gonna love you cause you're great life support"and in 3 words (12 letters) you broke me. You couldn't see it though;you never notice anything. If people don't break like you then you don't care to notice. I did things for you talked about things with you that no one knows about me and you didn't even have the decency to just say you didn't like me. I was so angry at everyone for a long time when I liked you but as soon as you said that I realized I was angry at you. You the dickhead who couldn't love me. The gut who made me want to pull my hair out at the root. The person who had broken my heart with 3 words 11letters. You make me feel inadequate and ugly. Even if you didn't mean to you make me feel like shit constantly. Your love and attention comes with conditions and that's not fair to me at all. I have whispered I hate you into the dark so many nights,and prayed so much for God to let my brain malfunction so I can forget you. The Good,the Bad,the Ugly,and the Beautiful. I want it all to be pwerwashed from my mind so I don't have to pretend like you don't make me feel bad about myself. I just don't know who I am anymore and I think that that's my fault. I've always depended on people who didn't care about me and you were just another person who dissapointed me so thanks for that
Letters to You
SpiritualLetters that I will never send to my friend. Things I will never get the courage to say because I know somehow I will screw it up.