A note to my last review about what Yaarp does, I found out Yaarp emits sonic blasts and Holio creates black holes. Thank you for correcting me.
Ahem, onward!
Bonnie and Clyde didn’t even wait for the full 24 hours of selling. Bonnie had raced off after only six hours to tell Stitch and Reuben the news.
“We made HOW MUCH!?” shouted Reuben.
“Apparently we have a lot of gay experiments out there, we made just as much as the end of yesterday as we did in six hours worth of today!.” said Bonnie.
Reuben and Stitch were at Stitch’s house with Lilo who was taking a shower at the time. Unbeknownst to them, she was getting ready to come outside after she had gotten dressed.
“So then gay porn as well as normal kind is a hit?” asked Stitch.
“Well a lot of the guys are checking you two out on the tape as well as in the magazine, they’re saying that they’ll each pay 100 dollars if they get to spend a few hours making their own private scene with our members.” said Bonnie.
Reuben and Stitch went into shock. The tapes were sixty dollars each, the magazine was twenty five dollars each.
“So we pretty much have enough to buy the haunted house and enough left to turn it into a fully functional studio.” said Bonnie.
“Okay I’ll get to the deed seller people later today.” said Stitch.
“Did I hear correctly….. Are you two doing porn?” asked a voice.
The three experiments turned to see Nani looming over them. Before Stitch dug himself a hole into the very bowels of hell, Bonnie saved him.
“We made over three hundred thousand dollars in four days.” she said. Nani’s jaw dropped.
“yah, we sell them to the experiments and make money. We have a small band of employees including Bonnie, Angel, Finder, Kix, Clyde, and Spooky.” said Reuben.
“We plan to buy Spooky’s house for a studio.” said Stitch.
“You made this much money in four days?” asked Nani. They nodded. “Well if you pay me ten thousand dollars right now, I won’t tell anyone.” she said.
“WHAT!?” asked Reuben. Stitch held up his hand and walked to Jumba’s ship. He walked inside. “Hey what is the meaning of this!” was heard from Jumba before Stitch opened his safe and took out one clip of bills then shut and locked his safe and came back out.
“Okay Nani here but don’t tell Lilo.” he said.
“About what?” asked Lilo peaking out the door.
“Blitznack” said Stitch. Nani took the money and stuffed it in her pocket. “Nothing honey now get ready get ready for Hula practice.” said Nani.
They went inside (Nani and Lilo) and then the three experiments turned to each other. “Okay so you keep your stash with Jumba?” asked Reuben.
“I fund his research to keep him quiet.” said Stitch. Reuben and Bonnie nodded and headed back to the store with Stitch following.
When they got there, it was panic.
“Bonnie, where the fuck have you been?” shouted Clyde trying desperately to hold off the customers.
Bonnie, Clyde, and Stitch all rushed to help him with the store.
Sparky and Holio (I previously thought his name was Yaarp) were trying to get to the latest video.