Unexpected Twist

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Wait, what did I just heard? Chelsea likes David? How dare she! As I continued listening to the conversation Chelsea had with Katie... I can't even stand why Chelsea liked David at the first place.

Katie:"Why do you like David?"
Chelsea:"I don't know, maybe he is so CUTE and he knows how to play basketball.. like a typical girl would like?!"

Okay Emma calm down, time to fake happy and interrupt the conversation.

Emma: "Sooo Chelsea, do you like him because he is hot or you just admire him for his talent in basketball?"
Chelsea:"Hmmm, maybe both."

Oh wow, both huh, time to ask her another question...

Emma:"Do you even have his phone num-"

Before I can finish my sentence, the bell rang and everyone rushed to get back to class. Dang it, I miss the opportunity to ask Chelsea if she has David's phone number.

I felt worried and sick inside.

Then we went on my next period, Chemistry.

Oh finally, I can ask her now if she has his goddamn phone number!

I went inside the classroom and luckily, I am not late unlike the first period earlier. I realized I sat beside my friend, Chelsea. Then the class began.

Mr. Hemsworth: Hi, my name is Mr. Lucas Hemsworth, and I will be your chemistry teacher this school year. I taught 7th grade last year in my previous school, but later, I transferred here in Saint Joseph Middle School to teach Chemistry in 8th grade. Now it's your turn to introduce yourselves, shall we?

Heh, he seems like a very friendly teacher.. hope he would have a sense of humor as well.

Mr. Hemsworth: Starting with... Ms. Houston?

OH WOW!!! I am so not prepared for this...

"Hi and good afternoon everyone, my name is Emma Houston, but you can call me Em. I am 13 years old and I live in Greenfield Estates near the school. My hobbies were writing stories, listen to BTS, and spending time with my family. Thank you."

Mr. Hemsworth: "Wow, such a remarkable introduction, Ms. Emma Houston."
Emma: "Thank you."

Mr. Hemsworth: "Now up next is Ms. Clarkson."
Chelsea: "Hi, my name is Chelsea Clarkson, I am 13 years old and I am turning 14 next month. I must rant, my family helps me in my studies every day despite of their busy schedule. I acknowledge them for their hard work to bring me here into Saint Joseph Middle School. Thank you."

After the rest of the students introduce themselves, Lucas, well Mr. Hemsworth announced one more thing before we discuss our lesson.

Mr. Hemsworth: "We will be discussing complex formulas that has ever done in chemistry history."

Oh wow, complex you meant complex?!

Now Mr. Hemsworth proceeded to discuss all of the boring-as-damn formulas. I must take a strategy to get to talk to Chelsea during class. Maybe I should write and pass a crumpled written note to her, that's less risky enough.

I quickly jot down a note that says "Chelsea, we need to talk, right now!" Then I reached over to her desk and poked her to read it..

Chelsea: "Chelsea, we need to talk, right now!" Wha.. Is that you Emma?

She then turns to me and I nodded my head.

Okay, plan no. 2, time to make an excuse to have a private time with Chelsea to talk about what happened at lunch.

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