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It's been ten years since I've seen him. Who you might ask? My sweet Jack Frost. He hasn't been in our small town for years.

It's Christmas Eve. Sophie's really excited about it, but all I can think of is how much I wish the white haired spirit was here. Sophie runs through the house and into my room.

"Jamie, let's stay up for Santa! Maybe he'll leave one of the elves to play!" A big smile splits across her face. D smile gently. She still acts like a little kid even though she's fourteen.

"Yeah, I'll stay up with you. Let's get some blankets and hot chocolate and watch a movie." She goes to the other room to gather the blankets. I go to the kitchen to make the hot chocolate. As I pass by the tree, I can't help but look at the neatly wrapped presents under it. None of them strike excitement for me. Not a single one being the only present I want. Sighing, I continue to the kitchen.

With mugs in hand, I make my way carefully into the living room. Sophie has already made her a spot and is looking for a movie. I hand one mug to her and set mine on the coffee table as she continues looking. After a few minutes she settles for Rudolph.


It's a little after two am when a loud 'thump' startles me awake. A big man stands not far from me. "Santa?" I mumble. He turns to me with a cookie in hand.

"Jamie! It's been long time." His accent is still as heavy as ever. "How are you?" He asks sitting down.

"I'm good. How have things been for you guys since you defeated Pitch?"

"Quiet. Really quiet." I can tell by the look on his face he knows what question is coming next.

"How's Jack?"

"He's missing you." The big mans face falls slightly. He knows how hard it's been for us to want to see each other. A slight stir beside me has both our attentions going to Sophie. Her eyes light up when she see North.

"Santa!" She hugs him.

"Hello Sophie. Have you been nice this year?" She nods. "What you want for Christmas?"

"I want to play with elves!" He must have already seen it coming because he stands.


Sophie runs to the chimney and catches the elf when he falls down. She takes off with the elf to her room. North turns his attention back to me. "What are you wanting this year?"

"I just want to spend the holiday with him..." I mumble, messing with my fingers.

"He's really busy, Jamie." He gives me a sympathetic smile. Silence falls around us. He sighs, "I'll see what I can do."

A big smile makes its way to my face. "Really?!" He nods. "Thank you so much!" I hug him tightly.


It's Christmas morning, the sound of ripping paper lets me know Sophie has gotten into her presents. I get up and decide to join her. She's already created this huge mess. The elf North left is sitting on a big heap of paper, licking a cookie.

"Jamie, there's something for you too." I glance around, expecting to see my winter spirit. Much to my disappointment he was no where to been seen. "It's heavy for a little box."

I take the little box from her, reading the sloppy handwriting on the label: To my sweet believer. I pull the messy wrapping paper from the box and open it. Inside sits a snow globe. It was the town. My heart melts at the sight. He hasn't forgotten about us. About me.

"It's so pretty." Sophie gasps from beside me, making me jump a bit.

"Yeah. It is." I glance around again. "Is Jack here?" She shakes her head. I sigh. Well at least I know North has talked to him. "We better get ready to go to Mom and Dads." I stand to go back to my room, snow globe in hand. I set the beautiful glass orb on my dresser.

We arrive to the family house around lunch time. Mom and Dad hand us cards. Both containing gift cards to our favorite stores. Afterwards Sophie goes to help Mom finish the meal. I help by setting the table. Dad calls me into the living room with him and we talk about random thing until were called to the dinning room. We all gather around and dig in.

It's nearly three when I decide to leave. Sophie said she wanted to stay so I have the small house to myself for the night. I say goodbye and wish my parents a Merry Christmas. I drive home in silence, the only thing on my mind is how much I wish Jack could have spent today with us. With me. I feel tears sting my eyes. It was the only thing I asked for.

I pull up, cut the car off and wipe my eyes. I just sit there for a moment, looking around for some sign, before something caught my eye. Rose petals scatter the yard. I quickly get out and examine them closer. Each petal was frozen, holding in its beauty. Following the pattern to the door, I notice they lead to a pair of pale bare feet.

"I'm sorry I'm late." A soft voice whispers. My eyes shoot to the face of the voices owner. My heart stops and I feel tears flowing over my cheeks. There stood Jack, his bright blue eyes sparkling with happiness and a huge smirk across his lips. "Did you miss me?"

I tackle him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. "What kind of question is that?" He grabs me by the waist, chuckling.

"I got you something." He says pulling back slightly. He reaches over to the bench he was sitting on. Jack hands me a bouquet of frozen roses, some completely missing petals. A laugh escapes my lips. Only he would do something so sweet. "You haven't noticed." He smiles when I give him a weird look.

"Notice what?"

"The mistletoe." I look up at the plant that wasn't there this morning. "I found it on my way here." He pulls me closer, his lips hovering less than half and inch from mine. A blush forms on my face as I close the distance. We stand there kissing for what feels like forever -not that I'm complaining. The sound of a jingle bell draws us apart, sending our attention to the window where Dingle stands. His hands are over his heart like a love sick little kid. What a crazy little elf. Jack places his forehead against mine. "I missed you."

I peck his lips. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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