Chapter Five

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                      To Mia,

So, I'm kind of lost. I don't see much difference between me now and me last month, you seem to though. Tell me if it gets too much? I guess it's kind of too late for that. I'm sorry. This isn't really the type of thing you hide from someone as special as you are to me. There's a start of year 'Moon Party' soon. Sounds stupid to be honest. A bunch of drunk and high teenagers dancing by the sea at midnight, sounds safe. Could be fun? Let me no. Though the invite says, 'Children of the Moon' and that already makes me seriously sceptical. Think on it. if yes, prepare for the cliché.

Bet ready to go wild Moon Child.

Love, Jay

What he had done wasn't even that bad.

Maybe a tad rebellious in the sense of a small town being otherwise boring.

Yet in the eyes of his parents, Jay Parker had committed a sin.

He had gotten off almost scot-free from the police, a few hours of community service cleaning up after the summer carnival wasn't exactly hell, his mum and dad, however, were much more severe in their punishment.

Unauthorised house arrest and after school detentions were not the way that he wished to begin the year.

Spending two weeks with his family was almost worse than imprisonment and if he could be almost anywhere other than between these brick walls, he would be.

A meek knock at his door caused his ears to prick away from the otherwise silence.

"Jay?" His brother, brown hair dishevelled and his normally plastered grin lacking, poked his head around the door.

Jay's eyes glanced at him in question without moving his head, which was directed at the bland-white, prison cell ceiling above him.

"Hi," Dylan walked further into the room.

He was younger than Jay, only by 11 months though, and they could almost pass for twins with coffee hair and eyes. Dylan stood at the end of the mattress

"Finish any projects lately?" He asked.

Jay furrowed his eyebrows, sitting up slightly, to lean against the wooden headboard. "What?"

"Art projects?" He grinned. "Can-like projects?"

Jay reached up and shoved him in the shoulder. "Shut up. I'm vulnerable."
He laughed slightly. "Vulnerable? Come on."
"I'm serious."
"You sound like a girl," He mocked.

"Sexist," He shook his head. "It doesn't even matter."
"What doesn't?"
"That I am stuck in here."

"Well technically you're allowed out of the room," Dylan countered.
"You know what I mean," He argued. "There's not really anything I can do."

"We've changed subjects," Dylan nodded slowly. "I understand."

"I don't think we were ever really on a subject," Jay slumped back against the pillows.  

"You could shave your head?"
"What?" He questioned. "Mia doesn't have a shaved head."
"Like that movie," Dylan seemed to ignore him.
"Shut up," He hit his shoulder again with his foot. "She has all her hair." 

"Do something else then, maybe," Dylan thought for a second.
"Why?" Jay asked. "What are you even talking about?"

"Tell her how you feel."

"What the hell are you saying?" Jay asked.

He shrugged. 

Jay sighed. "I can't.
"Why not?" Dylan deadpanned.

He shook his head, as if clearing mist from his mind. "When I imagine myself, I think about her. She can't die, can she? I don't think I could physically live with that."

"I don't know," Dylan shrugged, seeming irritated.
"I can't," He shook his head.

Dylan let out a loud sigh of annoyance.
"Jesus," He started. "Obviously you don't want her to die."

Jay looked up sharply. "She won't. This is easy to recover from."

"Jay," Dylan sat down on the floor next to the bed, his back leaning against the wall, his voice soft as he took in his older brothers fallen features. "It's cancer."

"She can't leave," He shook his head again. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair, brother."

Jay laughed suddenly. "What the hell?"
"Have you not heard Mum say that before?"
"No," He snickered.
"Whatever," Dylan stood up from the floor.
"Whatever," Jay repeated. 

Dylan stared at him while hovering at the door. "Don't feel too depressed, she's the dying one after all."

Anger boiled inside him as if a dragon was roaring from a cave.

He reached down beside the bed as Dylan began to leave and picked up one his disregarded shoes, throwing it towards the closing door.

"What the fuck?" He turned around, a glare on his face.

"No," Jay spoke firmly.

"Sorry," He shrugged before looking at his brother again, letting his face soften. "Sorry."

"Okay," Jay nodded.


wasn't feeling this chapter to be honest. any thoughts?

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