(idk what to write here so I'll put this here)

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(Author's note: Here's another song that helped me through writing this ugh 2000+ words oneshot XD)

The vibration of Wei Wuxian's phone made contact with the bedside lamp and created a clattering noise. In annoyance Wei Wuxian rolled around only to feel an empty space beside him, still in a daze Wei Wuxian slowly propped his elbow to support his weight and looked around the room.

Lan Wangji left for work.

Wei Wuxian yawned and glanced at the clock which showed him 9:00 am, he tossed away his blanket carelessly and took his phone while he approached the bathroom for a morning shower.

The house was mostly empty. Their adopted son, Lan Shizui left for a sleepover at his boyfriend's apartment. It wasn't Wei Wuxian's first time alone in the morning and he got used to their different schedules, tying up his long hair into a ponytail he grabbed his backpack and head downstairs for his breakfast.

The house was actually a gift from Lan Xichen for their marriage and it was a beautiful house, though Wei Wuxian didn't get to decorate it the way he wanted it (due to Jiang Cheng who disagreed) it still felt like home. They have 2 living rooms; one was the main while the other was connected to the kitchen. Wei Wuxian loved the one in the kitchen better, just because they had tall glass windows to look outside their house into the road.

He plopped onto the sofa with a quick meal of French toast and coffee, an unusual choice of drink for someone like Wei Wuxian. Though as he sat down, he saw a small note on the coffee table with a neat handwriting of his husband. With a smirk he opened the folded piece of paper.

Be careful, have a great day.

Happy Birthday.

Love you.


Wei Wuxian broke into a laugh and bit into his toast, he placed the note in one of his bag's pockets. With a sip of his coffee he flipped through the materials for today's lesson.


Wei Wuxian preferred walking to school, most likely to enjoy the environment around him. After he set out for his walk, he felt his phone vibrated in his pocket which reminded him that he didn't checked it this morning.

Two messages and two social media notifications.

Wei Wuxian clicked on the message icon and saw Jiang Cheng and Lan Shizui's names at the top.

Jiang Cheng

Yo, you up?

7:30 am.

Jiang Cheng

Happy Birthday,

See you at school.

8:00 am.

Wei Wuxian chuckled at Jiang Cheng's recent texts, he was kind of expecting a birthday message but also not. While he turned around in the corner Wei Wuxian typed his reply.

Wei Wuxian

I'm on my way.

Thank you btw.

Wei Wuxian

So, you're paying for lunch?

9:10 am.

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