this cant be happening

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Its been a month since I lost my virginity. my best friend Lily was over.

"Lily im late what do I do?"

"well Ana theres only one thing we can do." lily was quiet for a few minutes then spoke again,"buy a pregnancy test."

Ana and lily went to the small market down the road and bought three pregnancy test. when they got home Ana drank 4 bottle of waters and went to the bathroom. after she did the test she waited for five minutes to check the test.

"Lily come here please I have news."

"Whats wrong Ana?"

"Lily preg.... Im pregnant lily. My parents are going to kill me!"

"You have explaining to do to Jordan. He should tell your parents with you."

the next day lily took Ana over to jordans house to confront him, but Jordan had friend's over.

"Hey babe meet my friends Michael,  and my friend Christian."

"Hey guys. Jordan I got to talk to you alone,  sorry Michael and Christian kind of boyfriend and girlfriend talk."

"What about your friend over there?"

"I need her here with me."

"No Ana, alone!" Lily said walking outside with the boys."

Ana and Jordan sat in silence for about five minutes, when Ana just broke down into tears. Jordan ran to her and wrapped her in a big hug.

"Babe whats wrong?"

"Jordan I have really bad news and you might hate me for this but I have to tell Jordan."

After Ana said it she ran outside crying before Jordan had time to react.

My Hidden Life (Teen pregnancy)Where stories live. Discover now