1.1.17: Hiding - EDITED

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By Saturday night, Xiao Yunhua had already worked in Riverside for a few days.

She had already gotten used to wearing the uniform given and cleaning the required places. Her shift was consistent, so she didn't have to worry about being placed somewhere new where she had no clue what to do.

She had also settled in nicely with Wang Yaowan and Ni Ming. Even though the latter was stubborn and told her that she would have to wait until her eighteenth birthday, Ni Ming still, occasionally, dropped a hint or some type of advice for Xiao Yunhua. Which the sixteen year old girl didn't mind.

Today was the dreaded day. Originally, she thought that she could begin her plans on this day. But oh, how naïve she had been. Life was truly harsh and could not be manipulated the way that one wanted.

This was the lesson that she learned the hard way. Subconsciously, she had been treating the last eight years as a joke, or basically like one of her novels that she used to read about in her first world. She expected that the people here would be flat and unrealistic, which wasn't true at all.

This wasn't some two dimensional world... This was a three dimensional reality. She wasn't the protagonist with her protagonist aura and halo, she was a living girl who only had herself to rely on. Even though she had a little helper, it didn't help her at all, especially since she was poor when it came to Pretty Points!

Sure, the reactions were a bit extreme and unrealistic, but Xiao Yunhua knew that there was a deeper story behind that. She just didn't have the power nor the authority to find out what. How could a teacher believe rumors without verification? How could someone just jump to conclusions via only a single text?

The reasoning was maddening. The reasoning wasn't something that was to be discovered this day, but Xiao Yunhua promised herself that she would reveal it one day. Whether it was to interrogate Xiao Taotao or the Creator themself, she would do it.

Suddenly, her line of vision fell on the group of people entering. Even though they were clearly younger than twenty-one, the bouncer didn't bother with them too much and allowed them to go in. The person in front, a familiar, teenage boy had a smirk on his face while the teenage boy next to him had a expressionless face with cold eyes. There were a few other youths and a few young girls that were all dressed up.

The one with cold eyes, Zhou Feng, scanned the nightclub with chilly arrogance and displeasure. If his brother, Zhou Lang, hadn't bothered him constantly and promised to leave him alone, then he would've never stepped in such an awful place.

He was startled when his eyes clashed with another pair of dark eyes. They were attached to a familiar face, the same face that had almost managed to get him tricked. He narrowed his eyes harshly as he concluded that the girl was most likely there because she was exactly as lewd as she portrayed herself to be via her text. And she was there because she wanted his attention again.

He was surprised to see her quickly avert her eyes and scurry away. He felt disgust building in his chest. She was still pretending to be shy and innocent?

Just being in a nightclub showed what kind of a girl she was.

Although Zhou Feng felt that way, he didn't voice anything out because he felt as though he was being a bit hypocritical because he and his brother's friends were there. But nonetheless, his prejudice had already clouded his logical judgement.

He felt his brother nudge him and whisper, "No worries brother. The girls here will definitely get your mind off of that girl. She who shall not be named."

Zhou Feng only scoffed coldly and the group were escorted to the private, VIP area, indulging themselves with alcoholic drinks.

Meanwhile Xiao Yunhua's heart was beating fast. Not because of how amazing Zhou Feng was, it was because she hadn't expected to see him so soon. It was mostly due to fear. She didn't fear the boy himself, but she feared the system.

She could metaphorically see the hate vibrating off of him. Her target was supposed to love her, not despise the very sight of her.

She whisked her body to the dimensional space and startled Xiao Taotao.

"Host, what are you doing here?"

"Is there any way of changing targets?"

Xiao Taotao hesitated, but nodded. Seeing Xiao Yunhua's eyes filled with joy, she quickly added, "Only in the extremely hard missions. And they require five hundred thousand points."

Hearing the insanely large number, Xiao Yunhua's eyes widened. She didn't even have 1/10th of that number. Heck, not even 1/50th of that number!

It was so hard and impossible. Almost like the host shouldn't even think of changing targets. But at least Xiao Yunhua knew that it was possible for future missions. But she didn't even want to think about future missions and their difficulty. It was her first mission and already such a chaotic one, who knew how bad her futures ones would be?

She exited the dimensional space and didn't really want to expose her identity so soon. So even though there was a risk that she'd be fired, she snuck inside of Wang Yaowan's office and waited for night to be over.

She was taking a gamble. Whether or not Wang Yaowan would fire her all depended on his mood and how severe what she was doing was considered. Fifteen minutes later, Wang Yaowan entered and paused in surprise when he saw her nervously and anxiously sitting in his office.

Although he didn't like the invasion of privacy, he deemed that there must have been a reason for this. The logical girl would never behave so atrociously like so.

"Can I help you?" He asked her politely. Even though she was currently staying at his home and he felt sympathetic towards her, there was still a limit. She was, after all, only a stranger that he'd met a few days ago.

"Boss... I..." Xiao Yunhua hesitated and pinched her thigh to allow a few tears to fill her eyes. "Can I stay here?"

Unsurprisingly, Wang Yaowan wasn't fooled and maintained an indifferent face with his cold eyes, "Is there a reason?"

"Please... I-I can't reveal it." Hearing her stutter, Wang Yaowan furrowed his eyebrows and realized that indeed, it was serious. But who could have this young girl offended?

"Why not?" He crosses his arms and impatiently asked. With a domineering attitude, he walked towards his chair and sat down, still maintaining his aura of intimidation. He was releasing a cold aura, the one that a new boss would use against a new employee; a stranger speaking to another stranger.

"Because..." Xiao Yunhua paused and tried to rake her brain to think of an excuse. When she realized that she couldn't really think of any excuse, she could only bow in shame. "Just this once. I need to breathe."

Hearing her response, Wang Yaowan's tense eyes finally relaxed as he contemplated on whether or not he had given her too much work. He suddenly remembered that he was talking to a sixteen year old girl, not some experienced cleaner. It was expected for her to get tired like this!

"My apologies. Remember to take a short break everyday from now on. You're welcome to take a... Break in here." Even though he was polite about it, he still hesitated. After all, his office was his sacred, private area. He didn't like anyone intruding in on it, but if it helped this young girl, then he wouldn't mind the small sacrifice.

Hearing his reply, Xiao Yunhua's dulled eyes finally lit up in joy and appreciation for this angel of a boss. "Thank you!"

Seeing her glee, Wang Yaowan's stiff and expressionless face cracked a smile. She was getting happy for no reason, but it was mostly because she was still young.

From then on, anytime that Zhou Lang appeared or anyone from the Zhou family, Xiao Yunhua would make sure to sneak inside her boss' office and stay there for as long as necessary. She would compensate by working twice as hard the next day, but this pattern was something that both Wang Yaowan and Ni Ming realized, albeit neither could find it in their hearts to confront her about it.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yunhua was already celebrating her eighteenth birthday...

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