He Spiked Your Drink

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"April don't freak out act cool maybe pretend something came up and you have to go"

"ok" I responded before walking back inside and sitting down by Zach my brain raced to try to think of ways to end our date before being interrupted by Zach talking

"My coffee tastes weird does yours?" he asked trying to get me to drink my coffee i responded

"I think its probably just the whipped cream usually people don't get extra whipped cream" I looked past him to Phil leaning in the corner staring dead at Zach

"I don't know take a drink of yours and mine see if they taste the same" he demanded I noticed the coffee shop was emptier with only me Zach and Phil I grew anxious

"i-i have to go" i studdered noticeably scared as i went to grab my purse i felt Zach get up from the table

"Come on you didn't even take a drink of your coffee"

"I'm sorry I guess I wasn't as thirsty as I thought I was, "I said while grabbing my phone I saw a text from Phil

"This guy really did put something in your drink get away from him!!" the text read before Zach knocked my phone from my hands

"Come on sweetie maybe we can go to my place ill show ya a good time"

Phil was now looking up his eyes asked me if I was okay I answered with a slight shake of my head he slightly pointed to Zach's back he sat up I saw the glimmer of something silver

"I'm good I gotta get back to my house soon anyway"

"Oh sweetie I wasn't asking" he pulled out a gun he must've forgot or didn't even notice Phil was there because he then said

"Come on sweetie lets go to mine house I promise I won't hurt you (That Much)" he laughed an evil laugh I saw Phil sneaking around while he forced me to sit in front of him on the table I obeyed him while Phil snuck up behind him he was running the back of his hand on my face I looked away as he got mad and punched me off the table I looked up to see Phil coming up behind him he locked his arms around his neck while I ran behind the counter I heard Zach yelling to let him go then a gunshot I flinched afraid to look up Zach was standing up I freaked out snuck around to the kitchen while he called me

"Come out come out wherever you are precious" as I snuck around to grab a weapon I found a knife perfect I crawled to the kitchen entrance waiting for him to walk in

"I know you're here somewhere" he called as he walked in the kitchen I drove the knife behind his ankle causing him to fall I kicked the gun to the lobby and ran by Phil calling 911

"Are you okay?" I asked him while talking to the dispatcher he was holding his arm I panicked once the police finally arrived they sat me down to question me I couldn't sit still though

"Is Phil okay"

"Can I go see him"

"let me gooo"

I practically screamed I saw a stretcher being wheeled out with a bandaged up Phil

"LET ME GO" I yelled while breaking free of the police officer's grasp running to the stretcher in tears


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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