Unexpected sleepover 2

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Twilight layed in bed with a curled up Sunset around her but she couldn't sleep tho. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest. She really did like Sunset Shimmer. She started thinking about how smart Sunset was, how cute when she got frustrated when she can't figure out something instantaneously. She had beautiful red hair and the yellow streaks through it made her look so perfect. And her eyes. "Oh her eyes...." Twilight mumbled while letting out a  long sigh.

Suddenly Twilight got pulled out of her thirsty thoughts about the person who was laying right beside her. She looked at Sunset and noticed that her face was contorted into one of distress. Sunset started stirring more and suddenly she screamed.

Twilight who watched the whole thing, jumped into action. Her friend was having a nightmare so Twi stirred her awake. After some not so gentle stirring Sunset finally woke up with wide eyes. She suddenly felt overwhelmed and started crying. Twilight just held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear untill she felt her friend slash crush calm down.

"I'm so sorry Twilight. I didn't mean to wake you up." Sunset meekly said. "Oh no don't worry. I wasn't asleep anyway. I was just looking at you." Twilight shut her mouth in an instant when she realized what she said.

"Huh? What?" Sunset asked confusion taking over her facial expressions. Twilight started blushing crimson. " I I I uh I was uhm.." When Twilight didn't come up with an excuse she just let out a long sigh and looked away.

Sunset who was a bit startled about Twilight's behavior gave it a thought, why her friend was suddenly acting like she did now until realization hit her. Twilight liked her. As in like liked her. She gasped audibly.

Twilight who still wasn't looking at her friend heard the gasp and she knew that Sunset knew that she liked her. She felt so embarrassed that she pulled the blanket over her head.

Sunset started giggling at her friends reaction. She really thought Twilight was cute. She pulled the blanket off her friend but Twilight took a pillow instead and covered her face. "Please don't look at me Sunset, I am an abomination." Twilight cried from under her pillow.

Sunset started laughing harder. She then pulled the pillow away next and with nothing left to cover her face, Twilight used her hands. "Well if you're an abomination,then you are a pretty cute one." Sunset said with a smile on her face and a glimmer* in her eyes.

"Whaaat?" Twilight peeked from between her fingers when she said that. "Oh you heard what I said Twilight,now take your hands off your face so I can look at you." Sunset demanded. Twilight still in shock that her friend didn't go running for the hills the moment she realized her feelings for her, lowered her hands and looked at Sunset. Oh Celestia, those eyes she thought.

"There you are." Sunset mused. Twilight cleared her throat. "Sunset, I think we should talk about this."
"Probably, but I don't want to talk right now." Sunset while getting closer to Twi. Twilight's eyes went wide yet again as she heard what her friend was saying.
Suddenly she felt warm lips enveloping hers. At first Twilight didn't respond to the kiss because it was so sudden and unexpected but then she gave in with a small content sigh.

A.N Longer chapter with some interesting stuff ahead. Enjoy.

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