~•~ Chaper 1 ~•~

175 6 3

A/N: please support me. i'll be happy to update fast if you request me to. im honestly forcing myself not to give up on writing stories. thanks..


"So tonight, let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun! I know we only met but let's pretend it's love. And never never ever stop for anyone.. Tonight let's get some.. and live while we're young!"

I was awakened by the alerting ring tone of my green and orange Phineas and Ferb alarm clock. I forced my eyes open for as long asI could then looked at the time. It's currently 5am. WTF? Why would I prepare my alarm that early?! I need my beauty sleep! With my eyes barely opened, I pressed snooze and went back to sleep.

After 5 minutes of nap, my alarm clock rang again. Ugh! I finally turned it off.

I decided to check what day it is today why I set my alarm this early. I stretched my back and released a yawn. I rubbed my eyes then checked my clock. Well, today's June 19. Then why did set my alarm so early? Ugh! I rolled my eyes and decided to lie down again until my brain is fully awake. I was about to sleep again but I realized that TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

A wide smile spread through my lips. A wave of happiness and excitement surged through me. I lied down on my bed again and started daydreaming. Don't worry I won't fall asleep when I'm excited. XD

I'm excited for my first day of school. Why? I got transfered to the most wanted and popular school everyone dreamed of! United Philippine International Academy. I've been longing for this school ever since I was 12. But now that I'm 16, my parents finally agreed to me going in this school. I've always dreamed of going to this school because it has the best coaches, best facilities, best foods, and best education! I know I'm exaggerating but I'm really just excited!

I kept imagining and expecting how things will be there. I get into a good circle of friends, get into swimming and dancing varsity team, join different extracurricular activities... l didn't stop thinking about those until my mom pulled me away from my wonderful thoughts.

She barged in my room angrily, her hair looking like it was passed by a tornado and yelled, "Lim Velosa Riza! Hurry up and come down! You're breakfast is getting cold. I've been yelling here for centuries!"

Wow, I never actually heard her. I guess I was really too busy daydreaming to hear her. But since she's already mad, time for me to fix myself.

I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. Yes, you read it right. My bathroom. No one is ever allowed to use that except me and my mom only.

I decided to wear something simple but nice and make myself look cool for the first day of school. I opened my wardrobe and got a sleeveless purple hoodie and black shorts. I got to my table and faced the mirror, put on eye liner, mascara, pink glossy lipstick, blush-on, and powder.

Hmm, I think I'll look better with glasses. I thought with a smile.

I then wore my green nerdy glasses and curled my hair and sprayed hairspray. Finally, I got socks and wore black high-wedged boots.

"Velosa! Hurry up will you? It's already 6:30am! Now I'll need to reheat your food." Mom yelled again from downstairs. I packed my bag and finally went downstairs to eat.

Nomnomnom.. This is delicious. Garlic rice with bacon and eggs. I thought. I munched up my breakfast hurriedly and brushed my teeth.

"Bye Velo! Make sure you pass your grades okay? Have fun and take care!" Mom said.

I hugged and waved her goodbye then rode our BMW to school.


I got down from my car and entered United Philippine International Academy. The main entrance of the school was welcoming. It was full of well trimmed grass and colorful flowers. The school's name was even grown on the grass. The lobby was air-conditioned, the walls covered in fake vines, and blue carpet as the flooring. I guess this school sure was how I had expected it would be.

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