- 'a very losers' club halloween' special!

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October 31st, 1990

"Reese's suck!" Hannah exclaimed as she rummaged through her candy bag, her nose scrunched up as she extracted a fistful of said chocolates.

"Ah, shut up, Pippi Longstocking." Richie playfully hit one of the braids on Hannah's wig, causing the girl to shove him in retaliation; the rest of the Losers chuckled in amusement as the group continued walking down the sidewalk. "We're lucky to have gotten this much candy."

"Rich's right," Levi pipped in, shrugging her shoulders as she adjusted her blue blazer. "Next year, we'll be way too old to go trick-or-treating."

"We can still do stuff," Beverly suggested, giving her friends a smile as she pushed the sleeves of her costume (she was dressed as Molly Ringwald's character from The Breakfast Club thanks to Richie's incessant teasing and Hannah's pleading). "We can always buy a shit ton of candy and watch movies together."

The group hummed in agreement; Hannah three her arm around Beverly's shoulders as the pair skipped ahead of the group.

"You look cute tonight," Beverly whispered, laughing quietly when Hannah rolled her eyes fondly, something she always did when she blushed. "But then again, you always do."

"Thanks. You look quite nice yourself, Princess." Hannah playfully pinched Bev's left cheek, making the girl protest and try to pull her face away.

"Hey, guys." Ben's voice made the pair turn to look at the Hanscom boy, who held a fistful of lollipops in his hand. "Anyone wanna trade these?"

"You want the Reese's, Benny?" Hannah offered, her brows raised as she dug through her bag again to collect all of the unopened chocolates.

"Sure." Ben shrugged, extending his candy bag toward Hannah and allowing her to dump all of the Reese's before doing the same with the lollipops. "Lovely doing business with you."

"Ditto, Benny-boy," Hannah laughed, wrapping her free arm around his shoulders.

"Now, this is what I call a relatively successful Halloween," Mike joked, making the trio laugh.

"Oh, my God, guys!" Eddie exclaimed, pointing toward a house a little ways away from them. The porch was crowded with children in costumes. "Oh, my God, there's Laffy Taffy's there!"

"Holy shit, yes!" Bill joined in on Eddie's excitement, making Hannah laugh loudly.

"Damn, I've never seen anyone so excited over a stick of gooey gum."

"You don't get it, Han. Laffy Taffy's are god-tier candy," Eddie explained, his eyes wide with joy; he looked so much like a puppy in that moment and all Hannah wanted to do was sweep him off his feet and hug him tightly. "They're the only reason why I trick-or-treat at all."

"Oh, my goodness, bless you, Eds," Hannah gushed, a fond smile blooming on her lips as she playfully ruffled his hair.

"Don't call me that!" The smaller boy exclaimed, desperately trying to smooth his hair back. "I swear to God, you're spending too much time with Richie."

"Richie what?" The Tozier boy himself pipped into the conversation, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Nothing, asshole. Just talking about how annoying you are." Beverly shrugged, a smirk on her face as she watched Richie roll his eyes and laugh sarcastically.

"Har, har, Bev, very funny." He stuck his tongue out in retaliation. "Now, come on. Bill and Eddie will have an aneurysm if they doesn't get those Laffy Taffy's."

"Hey, lovebirds, come on!" Bill called out at Stan and Levi, who had fallen behind. "They've got Laffy Taffy's a few houses over!"

The group laughed at Bill's child-like excitement and waited for the pair to catch up before taking off down the sidewalk, all the while teasing Stan and
Levi for their red cheeks and intertwined fingers.

Mike was right. This was a relatively successful— nearly perfect — Halloween.

( a u t h o r ' s  n o t e )
happy halloween, u ho3s! be safe and don't summon any demons! i love you! bringing this little piece back bc i wanted to show off my costume lmao

( a u t h o r ' s  n o t e )happy halloween, u ho3s! be safe and don't summon any demons! i love you! bringing this little piece back bc i wanted to show off my costume lmao

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