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"Have you seen the new girl?" Bryce smirks to his group of friends. Some shook their hands. Others nodded.

"She's hot!" Scott smiles handshaking Bryce.

"I'd tap that, look she's right there." Bryce smirks pointing to the black haired girl walking down the hall. She walked liked she owned the place. Which caught Montgomery's attention.

"Monty staring pretty hard," Justin smirks patting his shoulder. "You got that?"

Montgomery smirked looking at Justin before hand shaking him.

"Hell yeah!" All the boys roared.

Meanwhile, the new girl, Isabella chapman, could care less for those jocks. They all just wanted one thing. Isabella walked into the front office and sat in a chair waiting for her schedule.

"Ms.chapman?" The counselor asks. Isabella smiles standing up making her way into the office.

"Here is your schedule and your locker number, would you like me to set up a tour guide?" She asks. Isabella shakes her head.

"I'll be fine, thank you."

"If you have any questions my door is open." The counselor smiles. Isabella nods leaving the room. She looked down at her schedule. Locker 369. She walks along the lockers until she finds hers.

Isabella pov

I stood at my locker messing with the lock. Is this shit jammed or something?

"Need help?" A soft voice beside me asks. I turn to my right and seen a girl with brown hair.

"Uh Yea." I lightly chuckle stepping back.

"What's the combination?"

"0, 25, 7." I read out the numbers that were on the paper.

"And there you go. It can be tricky sometimes."  She smiles. "I'm Hannah by the way." She holds out her hand which I gladly take.

"I'm Isabella."

"I'm guessing you're new?" She asks. I nod. "Can I see your schedule?"

"Sure." I hand her my schedule and she scans over it.

"We have 1st, 3rd and last period together." She smiles.

"Glad to have a friend." I grin. The group of boys passed us.

"Hannah! Who's your friend!" A boy with brown hair yells. His eyes fell on me as he winked. I gave him a dirty look before turning back to Hannah.

"Gross." I spat out.

"That's the jocks, the one that asked who you were is Monty. Watch out for him. He's the schools biggest player." She sighs. "Also biggest bully." She adds as we watch him shove a kid with a camera into a locker.

"What a jerk!" I furrow my brows. "He needs to be taught a lesson." I smirk closing my locker.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asks flipping her hair.

"Why hasn't someone played him yet?" I raise a brow at her.

"I don't know." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Well Hannah, that fool is gonna he in for a treat."

"You're gonna play him?" She chuckles.

"Yep, and break him like a stick." I smirk imitating breaking a stick.

"Well he's in our first and 3rd period, I don't know if you have other classes with him." She says as the first bell rings. We walked together into the classroom that was slowly filling up.

A two player game // montgomery de la cruzWhere stories live. Discover now