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Monty didn't have anywhere else to go he drove around most of the day. He had gotten a few texts from Isabella but he didn't answer them. He didn't answer anyone. Currently he was sitting at the lake inside is car. It was now night time.

Montys phone started ringing and he looked at the calling ID.

Isabel ❤️

He clicked answer before holding his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Isabella concerned voice spread through the phone.

"Yea?" Monty sighs. He couldn't make any facial expressions it hurt.

"Why haven't you answered any of my messages? You had me worried." Isabella soft voice. Monty looked in the rear view mirror. He closed his eyes a sighs.

"Are you okay?" Isabella adds. "Jessica told me what happened at school today.."

"I'm fine." He lightly chuckles. Isabella knew he was definitely not fine.

"Come over." Isabella mumbled. She wanted to be there for him.

"I can't, um..." Monty begins to lightly rub the the bridge of his nose. "Something bad happened." He muttered.

"What happened Monty.."

Monty ran his free hand through his hair. His hand also hurting.

"Monty, please come over." She frowns. Monty lets out a sigh.


"Do you want to stay on the phone?" She genuinely asks concerned. Monty shook his head.

"No." He spoke. "I'll see ya." He hung up causing her to look down at her phone. Somethings not right. Oh how she thought her Tuesday night was already bad. It was about to get 10x worse.

Isabella waited outside in the cold as she waited for Monty to pull up. She crossed her arms and sat at the curb. Her mom was home wasn't home. She had no idea where she was.

Montys blue Jeep pulled up and Isabella instantly  up. The headlights Flicked off and Monty got out the car. Monty didn't want her to see him like that.

Isabella on the other hand jaw dropped. What the actual fuck. She ran up to him and cupped his face. Monty flinched from the pain which cause a Isabella to snap her hand from him.

"Sorry." She panicked. Tears brimmed his eyes.

"It's fine." He sighs. Isabella grabbed him hand and dragged him inside.

"Let me clean you up." She mutters walking into the bathroom with his. She grabs the first aid kit and sat on the counter due to her being smaller

She put alcohol on a cotton pad and dabbed his cuts. Monty flinches again at the burning sensation.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened?" Isabella sighed. Monty kept starting at the girl. He didn't say a word.

"Monty, you can tell me anything." She lightly smiles. "I have a hello kitty bandaid." Isabella hold up the pink band aid. Monty lightly laughs as the girls goofiness.

"My dad...he got mad that I got suspended."

"And beat the shit out of you?" Isabella raise a brow at him. Did this happen frequently? Monty looks away but Isabella lightly pulls his face towards her.

"He does this when he's drunk most of the times." Sounds familiar. "I left and drive to the lake and stayed there all day."

"You could've came here." Isabella frowns. Monty shakes his head.

"I didn't want you to see me like this." He muttered look at him. He was scared, scared she was gonna leave him.


"Because I'm scared." He sighs looking down.

"Scared of what?"

"You leaving.." He looks back at Isabella. She lightly smiles and kisses Monty in the lips.

"I'm not leaving." She muttered. "Not now, not later, never." She added. It was true. The feelings so had developed for the boy was unbelievable. She couldn't believe it herself. Isabella pulled the broken boy into a hug. Him lightly crying in her shoulder.

"I'm here for you, forever and always." Isabella adds. Meaning every single word of it.

Once Monty calmed down and was cleaned up they went to her room. Isabella got him a ice pack for his eye and make him some spaghetti, because who doesn't like spaghetti.

"Eat up big boy." Isabella smiled widely at Monty. He took the plate and ate a spoonful. Damn. Probably didn't eat in hours.

"Slow down, don't choke. I don't need you dying on me." Isabella giggles. She looked at his clothes and left the room. She had some of her dad old clothes still. She grabbed some pants and a shirt and walked back in the room.

"Here you go. You can change in something more comfortable than jeans and a flannel top." Isabella laughed putting the clothes on the bed.

"Thank you." Monty says continuing eating the spaghetti. He happy. To be around her. He's glad he had just told her the truth. He watched Isabella as she was flipping through tv channels the tv.

"Do you need anything else?" She turned around look at him. Monty shook his head.

"I have everything I need." He grinned.

Everything has settled down. Monty and Isabella was laying down together. He arm was around her as she laid her head on his chest.

"Hey." Isabella says causing Monty to look at her. "You can stay here for as long at you need.."she adds. Monty smiles at her.

"Thanks babe, but it's fine. I have to go home tomorrow anyways." He muttered. Isabella yawned. She was exhausted, stressed and in pain, emotionally and physically. She hated seeing Monty like this. He sat up and kissed Monty on his forehead. Then his right cheek, then his left cheek, and lastly placing a kiss on his lips.

"goodnight." She softly speaks feeling her eyes get heavy. Monty muttered a goodnight while slowly rubbing his back.

She loved this. And she figured it out. Monty just wanted to be loved. That's what he needs. Love. She was here giving it to him. Is this what love feels like? Like you would do anything for them? The giggly feeling when they are around. Happy, comfortable in each others presence. Craving eacother.

Isabella didn't want to lose Monty either. He became her everything. Everything she has ever wanted, and if she lost him then she has lost all hope in everything.

"Forever And always." Isabella hears monty utter out. Isabella falls with asleep in with a small smile on her face.

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