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Almost a week had past since the twins entered the world but Regina still couldn't believe they were here. Her girls were absolutely perfect from head to tiny toes. Most of her time she spent staring at them with complete fondness as they slept in her arms, afraid if she looked away just for a second they would be gone. Snatched from her grasp just like most  good things in her life.

It wasn't long before the family of 4 had moved back to their cosy home in the forest. Raphael had made sure everything was in order and even made improvements such as extra room space for their growing family. Just like Regina predicted Raphael was already showing signs of being an amazing father. She loved it when he would check on the girls during the night or gently rock them to sleep in his muscular arms, holding them close to his chest as he sung to them his childhood lullaby. She could see the the complete joy in his eyes as he would kiss them goodnight in their shared crib. But what always warmed her heart to the max was when he held her close every night and told her how much he loved her without fail.

For the first two days were hard for Regina. It was difficult to sleep or regain her appetite when the twins needed her full attention. However Raphael was always there for her. Making sure she was feeling okay, making sure she was well looked after from morning to night. She was blessed to have such a lovely man in her life but when she saw these things she couldn't help but ponder. Where they ever going to get married. Was Raphael ever going to pop the question?

10 years was a long time to be in a relationship but now they were a family. It didn't bother her so much that he hadn't pop the question. To be honest she was happy just to be with him but she just couldn't help but wonder.

Getting the baby girls dressed in matching little dresses for their busy day. Regina and Raphael still had a few visitors coming to visit the new arrivals. Henry and his family had visited couple of days after the birth which went well. The only ones left to see the girls were Mama Odie and Celine.

"What time again is your family coming to over?" Regina said holding her sleeping girls. Walking into the living room Regina noticed a stressful look on Raphael's face as fussed over the living room details. " Raphael are you okay?"

Stopping what he was doing Raphael looked towards Regina with a charming smile as witness his three beautiful ladies in front of him. " yes I'm fine my love... It's just must we invite my mother. I don't want her apart of this special moment." Raphael signed as sat down onto a nearby chair. " She'll find a way to ruin this for us you know that. I mean even your not keen on her."

" Raphael she's your mother. Yes me and her still have issues to work out but she has every right to see her granddaughters." Seeing the conflicted thoughts running through his mind Regina gently placed the babies into his arms and kissed his soft lips. " Plus the girls deserve to know their grandmother, their only grandmother."

When Raphael returned from Horicvale and let his mother and grandma aware of his return his relationship with his mother was getting difficult to handle. To him he she hadn't change a bit when it came to Regina and him. He angered him to no end but deep down he was really hurt by Celine's actions. She was his mother and even though Celine was unbearable he loved dearly her. He wanted a strong family unit especially now. Regina was right Celine was their grandmother but Raphael just knew no matter what he said or did Celine would never except.

As the day continued Facilier's grandmother arrived first. It didn't take long for Mama Odie to be all over the tiny girls. It was clear that Mama Odie loved girls from the moment she saw them, spoiling them with gifts to the point Regina thought it was too much.
" Mama Odie this is way too much. The girls are barely a month old and they have more clothes then me and Raphael combined." Regina looked piles of baby clothes in front of her that Mama Odie had brought them. Going through them Mama Odie waved a hand of disagreement.

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