Part one~

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Before we begin let me just say THIS maybe bad BUT give me a chance ;-;

John POV

At the end of December John had been blackmailed into a gang otherwise they would have hurt the people that John loved but he had no idea why they wanted HIM of all people but it was a "great" way to start his first year in 2019 for sure. He had known the basic rules and procedures he needed to follow to keep himself alive from his aggressive gang members.They were simple rules like follow the orders of the gang leader without second thought, no using money stolen from past heist without consent of the leader and most importantly no contact with rival gangs(<—this is important ;3) and etc it was a blur for John.

John probably figures they forced him to join for this competition which you need a certain amount of members to participate , John thought it was pretty stupid but others took it's seriously "WELCOME TO THE ANNOUNCEMENTS of this years bloody tournament where rival gangs will fight to death for the control of all enemy territory this event only happened once a year that what also made it a special time of the year folks!"John and his gang were entering this year. The name of Johns gang was "the smog" (idfk why I chose this name but I did😤) and John felt like he was basically going to well DIE since he had only one year of training and was not familiar with hand to hand combat or any kind of combat for that matter but all John knew was he was screwed.

~A Month Before The Competition~

John was sitting in a corner of an ally way vaping (of course) thinking to himself about this competition and what he was going to do

Jeez who knew some dumb*** territory would be worth taking the lives of others, must be huge if it means your the "boss" of all the territories...I really wanna just bail but I know the consequences if I even mention freedom, I miss my family and friends so much, man I can believe that just came out of ME of all people.

Suddenly he heard foot steps coming from the opening of the ally as they grew closer. It was a was bunch of kids...or so John though "what's a cute play thing like you doing down this dark ally hm?"said the stranger "I um-" suddenly John was pinned against a brick wall with a pocket knit to the throat "how about we do introductions shall we? The names smii7y~" John was still in shock of what was happening he had then realized that the small figure in front of him had a symbol tattooed on his middle finger, it had looked the exact same as the other people snickering in the background "thier gang members" "come on give him your names boys" the others had introduced themselves to John but as john had gotten annoyed of the position he was in and had slapped the knife outta smii7y's hands and they had started fighting in the ally way but the other members of smii7y's gang simply watched the show as the two men struggled for dominance over each other and both failed to pin each other."HAHA I GOT YOU BITCH!" John yelled as he had pinned smii7y to the dirty ground John noticed the a hint of blush on smii7y's cheeks "no fair ;(" smii7y whined as he didn't want to lose in front of his gang he gave John a small peck on the lips which startled John into letting smii7y go as the young man sprinted out of the ally and turned around still blushing but a darker shade of red flushed on his cheeks "see you at the tournament John~" smii7y said as he ran down the street while John watched "god that was confusing af..wait how did he know my name?" John felt his pockets and his whole wallet with his ID had vanished "godd**** that smii7y dude is something..".

*•END OF PART ONE PEEPS YES IM STARTING ANOTHER BOOK...well that's if you even stayed after reading my first garbage book•*

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