Part 2

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I wonder how far I'll take this story...

Smii7y's POV

"Hm what's in this Lil wallet of his,an ID,free slurpy coupon, and...only $5" smii7y looked at the wallet disappointed that his wallet snatching skills were put to waste till a piece of paper fell out from behind the coupon. It was an address. He grabbed his phone and searched the address. He was on his way to the address but his friends were insisting him to come get a drink with them, smii7y would have declined but they would have dragged him along anyway so smii7y had to ditch em.

*~Few minutes later after being chased a juking the fuck outta those idiots~*

Smii7y was out of breath after hopping fences and trying not to be caught by his comrades. It was midnight and smii7y had the address in his phone ready to search the directions *a few minutes after running to the address* smii7y was exhausted but finally made it to his destination and it seemed to be..a pizza place?? He looked inside to see a familiar face it was the boy from the ally way he seemed to look so out of it and frustrated and smii7y felt somewhat bad like he was the cause of it so he walked inside.

Johns POV

"The hell is he doing here?" John said as he glared out the dirty pizzeria window starring down the thug that had stolen his wallet. John stood up then began speed walking to the bathroom to hide from the thief but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm, John turned to see the young thug looking at him highly concerned "what're you doing here" John said in frustration " I need you to come outback with me would ya?" Smii7y said trying to keep his cool "and how do I know that your not gonna try and rape me?" John said jokingly "funny now come on" smii7y said sarcastically. "Dude what do you want from me you already took my wallet and there's no way in hell im giving you my clothes and-" John was cut off by lips pressed against his, it then turned into a sloppy makeout session with the two battling over dominance "w-wait I came to ask you for a favor" smii7y said a bit flustered "well what is it?" John said with his hands on smii7y's hips " can I hangout at your place for a bit? My buddies are looking for me and they might tattle to my boss again" *again?* " uh sure but only if we finish what we started~" John said as he placed his fingertips under smii7y's chin to get a good look at him "it's a deal~" smii7y said seductively as he pulled him back into another sloppy yet short kiss.

Hey :) sorry I didn't finish this earlier than I should I had a TINY bit of writers block but I'm back in the game baby >:3

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