~ Caught ~

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A/N: Uh oh spaghetti-oh


You'd managed to sneak out when the guards were gone for one minute. They were gone, so you left the room quickly. You snuck down the halls, hiding in closets to avoid guards and servants. You knew where the dungeons were, but you were unsure how to get there from where you were.

You heard footsteps coming down the hall, so you ducked into a closet, quietly closing the door. The footsteps stopped in front of the closet, and you held your breath. A servant opened the door, looking around inside.

The servant walked in, still looking around. You were hiding behind a shelf, so he couldn't see you unless he walked in further. He started rummaging through some things on the shelf across from the one you were hiding behind.

Please don't turn around. You silently pleaded.

The servant grabbed what he wanted, then started to walk out. You shifted slightly, and accidentally knocked against something with your arm. You froze as it fell to the ground with a clatter.


The servant turned around quickly, his eyes scanning through the room. He swiftly moved towards you, and he turned to look. You two made eye contact, and you quickly stood up. He reached towards the door, but you grabbed his arm.

"Wait!" you said quietly. "Wait."

"W-what do you want?" he asked, fear in his voice.

"I'm not going to hurt you," you said. "I just want to get to the dungeons, but I don't know where I am. Can you help me?"

He thought for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Y-yes, I can do that."

"Thank you," you said, letting go of his arm.

"Come on," he beckoned to you.

He left the closet, and you peeked out. No guards. You walked out after him, closing the door behind you. You followed him through the unfamiliar halls - you'd never been through the whole castle before, since you spent most of your time out and about.

The halls started to get more familiar. But in a bad way. You stopped as the servant continued walking. You knew where you were, and it wasn't towards the dungeons. The servant had betrayed you. He was leading you to your mother.

"This isn't the way to the dungeons," you said to the servant, who'd stopped once he realized you weren't following.

"It's a quicker way to the dungeons," he replied. "But we need to pass by the queen's room."

"You're not going to turn me in, are you?" you asked suspiciously, stepping back. "Because I don't remember a way to the dungeons through here."

"Oh, trust me, I won't turn you in, and there is a way to the dungeons," he said quickly - almost too quickly.

You didn't fully trust him, but you still followed him down the hall. He was quiet, but moved quickly. He seemed nervous about something. He stopped at a door, and once you realized what door it was, dread sunk through your body.

"Oh hell no," you said.

You twisted around to run, but he grabbed your arm. You being a small girl, he was easily stronger than you. You tried to break free of his grasp, but you couldn't. He knocked on your mother's door, and she opened it, irritated.

"What?" she snapped, then she saw you. "What is going on here?"

"She escaped, your highness," the servant said. "She was trying to make her way to the dungeons when I found her."

"You lied to me!" you shouted at the servant.

"I'm loyal to my queen," he growled.

"Oh, dear, (Y/N), what will I do with you?" your mother sighed. "You just don't stop trying to escape! I didn't want to have to do this, but..." She called some guards over. "Guards! Begin procedure green."

You were confused. What was procedure green? The guards, however, instantly knew what it was. They nodded, bowed, then rushed off down the hall. A few more guards grabbed you from the servant, and he was dismissed.

After a few minutes, a guard walked down the hall to speak to your mother. "My queen, procedure green is ready," he said with a bow.

"Perfect," your mother said, an evil smile spreading through her face. "Come along, (Y/N)! We must prepare you."

"What the hell do you want?" you spat at her as the guards dragged you after her. "What are you planning?"

"You'll see," she hummed in a cheery voice.

She walked happily down the hall, the guards forcing you after her. She opened a large, metal door, and the guards shoved you in. She followed you in, then closed and locked the door. A bright light blinded you, and when you could see again, the guards had thrown you onto a chair and tied down your wrists and ankles.

"What-?" you started, but your mother cut you off.

"You see, (Y/N), I was prepared for if something like this ever happened," she began. "You were way too persistent for my liking. You hated being royalty, you wanted to leave. You were never the daughter I expected from you!"

"Because I'm my own person! I don't have to be whatever twisted child you want of me!" you snapped at her.

"Shut up!" she shouted before composing herself again. "You are my daughter, (Y/N), and I made you to be the way I wanted. When you didn't turn out that way, it disappointed me. It made me upset." She sighed. "So, I prepared a way to make you perfect!"

You narrowed your eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I found a way to make you the perfect daughter I always wanted, (Y/N). The daughter that falls in love with a nice man from our kingdom, the daughter that wants to be queen. The daughter that doesn't have awful friends, the daughter that doesn't try to escape." She paused, then leaned close to you. "The daughter that listens to me."

You froze, chills shivering down your spine. You tried to pull your wrists out of the rope, but it was too tight. You only succeeded in hurting your wrists. Your mother smiled at you before motioning to the guards.

"Guards!" she said, not breaking her eye contact with you, her smile spreading widely across her face. "Begin procedure green."


A/N: Yes the Club Queen is a bitch.

Also I chose the name "procedure green" because like,, Alice of Human sacrifice,,, the club is green,,, har har,, yeeaaah kinda stupid buT HEY

Devil's Contract (King Dice x Reader) (King and Queen - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now