Chapter 13

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Adam's POV

Fucking hell. I gripped at my hair in frustration. I threw Rob out of my building and told him to never contact me again and never come back.

I thought I should give Blake some space but I can't take it anymore. I dialled his number for the millionth time and for the millionth time, it went straight to voicemail.

It's been an hour and a half since he stormed off and I can't shake off the feeling that something's wrong. I hung up the phone and decided to go look for him. I grabbed my car keys and ran out of my office and stopped at Ms Bull's desk.

"Ms Bull, tell anyone that wants me that I'm busy and I can't tend to them. Same goes with Mr King." I said with worry flooding my whole body.

Ms Bull glared at me and I take it she saw Blake run out in tears. She didn't respond to me, she just nodded her head.

I took the elevator down and I sprinted to my car. I started it immediately and the first place I thought to look for him was his apartment. I drove like maniac but when I got there, of course he wasn't there.

I went back to my car and tried to think of were he could be. I sat in my car and as I was about to start it, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it was an unknown number. I answered it anyway.

"Good afternoon, is this Mr Adam Grey?" Asked a feminine voice and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"This is he." I answered hesitantly.

"This is Nurse Addison from Rosemary Hospital. I have some bad news. Mr Blake King has been in a terrible car accident. You were on his speed dial so I'm contacting you to let you know."

My heart immediately dropped to my stomach and I couldn't say anything. I was at a loss for words. Blake was in an accident and it was all my fault.

"Sir, are you still there?" Tears filled my eyes and they fell down my face.

I answered meekly, "I'm still here."

"If you could come down right now, that would be great."

"I'm coming." I said. I ended the call and put my phone on the center console. I squeezed my eyes shut and griped the steering wheel as my mind tried to sort through my thoughts. I wiped the tears off my face and composed myself before I drove to the hospital. I parked my car and ran into the hospital.

I approached the front desk. "Uhhh hi. I'm looking for Nurse Addison." I said frantically.

"Yes sir, that's me. I presume your Mr Grey." Said a middle-aged looking women with a navy blue nurse uniform.

"Yes" I answered simply.

"If you could take a seat in the waiting room, I'll get the doctor to update you as soon as he can on Mr King's condition." She said and smiled at me; to ease my nerves, I think. 

"Here is Mr King's phone. This is the only belonging of his that was in the car." She handed me Blake's phone and the screen was badly cracked but when I pressed the power button, it lit up.

I nodded at the nurse and went to wait in the waiting room. I unlocked Blake's phone and went to the contacts. I found Jay's phone number and copied it onto my phone before I called him. After 2 rings, he answered.

"Hello?" He asked confusedly into the phone.

"Uhh, hi Jay. It's Adam speaking. I'm sorry to disturb you at work but it's about Blake."

"What about Blake? What happened?" He asked sternly.

"H-he got involved in an accident and he's in the hospital." Tears filled my eyes once again but I held them back.

"What? What happened? How is he?" Worry was clear as daylight in his voice and I could hear him move things around on the other end.

"I don't have the details on his condition yet. I just got to the hospital." I replied with a lump forming in my throat as the tears threatened to spill over.

"Okay. Lauren and I will be there as soon as we can." He hung up and I waited for the doctor to update me.

After a few excruciating hours of nervously waiting and pacing around, a doctor wearing scrubs appeared in the doorway of the waiting room.

"Mr Adam Grey?" He called out and immediately jumped up from my seat.

He looks to be in his thirties with chocolate brown hair and he had a fair amount of muscle on him. He was handsome, I got to say, and he was the same height as me at 6'1.

"That's me."

"Come with me please." He lead me out of the waiting room and into an empty hallway. He had an unreadable expression his face.

"Mr King suffered from 3 broke ribs, a broken arm, fractured femur and tibia, concussion and small cuts that will fade soon. He doesn't have signs of brain damage which is good. With the way he got hit, it's a miracle he didn't die. And I will have to conduct an exam to check if his memory was affected or not." He explained slowly.

My brain is trying to process everything the doctor was telling me. I'm extremely relieved that he's okay.

"So how long will it take for him to heal and what is the tibia and femur?" I asked confused. Like seriously, couldn't doctors use simple English to explain stuff instead of using medical jargon.

"Well, the femur is the thigh bone and the tibia is the shin bone. He got the frature in both on his left side and well as the broken arm."

"Okay. So, how long will it take for him to heal."

"Well, about 8 weeks for his arm, 6 weeks for his ribs and his leg."

I nodded my head. "Okay, thank you doctor. Can I go see him."

"Yes, but he just got out of surgery so he needs to rest." I nodded my head and he continued, "I'm Dr Isaac Morey, by the way."

I hadn't even got his name, how rude of me.

"I'm sorry for being rude Dr, my head is all over the place." I said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. How are you related to the patient, if you don't mind me asking." He asked curiously.

"I'm his boyfriend." He nodded his head understandably and he gestured for me to follow him.

"Let's go see him, shall we?" He said with a smile and I followed behind him.

A/N: What do you think? Please vote and comment☺

I really appreciate the support you guys have given me and I hope you enjoying the story😁

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