Chapter Four:

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I parked my car in the garage and went inside.
Just as I open the door , my two little twin sisters come running toward me.

Iris and Ivy , the twins eight years old, my twin sisters are our family's little treasures.
They are cheerful and bossy!
I am so thankful that they are not identical!

" Sophia! Which cookies should mom make for the bake sale?" Said Iris

" Chocolate chip or simple vanilla?" Piped ivy

I knew better than to say anything. I knew that iris likes chocolate chip and ivy liked vanilla cookies. Taking one's side will lead to hell .

So I said
" Whichever we have the ingredients for!"

" Both. We have the ingredients for both " Said Iris

I was finding and answer when my mom who was smiling at us and making cookies said

" I will make both so don't you two bother fight about it"

That was my mother, always knew what to say and where. She was the pillar of our family now that dad had passed away. She loved all of her children and worked hard so that we didn't have to ask twice.

She was looking very tired with all the office work and now this baking . I offered her help.

" Oh come! We don't want burnt cookies!" Said ivy before mom could reply

" Nor ones without sugar!" Said iris

I didn't had any baking or cooking skills but surely I wasn't as bad as that!
Sometimes it was like I was their little sister and not the other way around!

"Now now, don't make fun of your sister " mom said with a smile then added
" But u know Sophia, I would be better on my own" she said laughing

Ok ok maybe I had zero skills in that department.

" Ok mom then I am gonna go and start on my homework" I said and started up the stairs

I started on the history essay. Just when I finished it there was a knock on the door. Steven's head popped in and he said

" Mom says dinner's ready!"

" I'll be down in a minute"

Steven was my elder brother. My protective elder brother!

I went down to find everyone on the table. The head chair was empty. It was dad's chair and after his death it has always been empty.
Looking at the empty spot makes me sad.
I would have given everything to have him back!
He was an amazing father. I was inspired by him as a human. I always wanted to be like him. Always cheerful.

He died in a road accident. He was coming to pick me and steven from school.
It's hard for me to talk about it.

Ivy and iris were little when dad passed away. They don't know him like me and steven do.

After our dad died, Steven was the eldest among us. He tries to protect us from harm. He tries to take dad's role although he himself is still a boy. We all want him to enjoy his life but he has lost his fun loving nature after our dad.

I turned my attention to the table.
Mom had made mac and cheese. She surely works hard for us.

Iris and ivy were telling us about their school. Steven was giving them brotherly advice. He was in a good mood today and agreed to take them bicycling tomorrow.

Mom's cell rang. Iris read and said
" It's John"

" Ahem he surely calls you alot mom" it came from ivy

" Are you two dating?" Asked iris

John was our mom's office colleague.

Mom looked towards Steven. He had horror in his eyes.

I was okay with mom dating. I knew she loved dad but she had to move on too . After all she was only thirty two.
But Steven saw it from an entirely other angle. He thought of it as an insult to dad's memory.

Mom glared at iris and ivy. And they both did not say anything more.
She offered a reassuring smile to steven and said
" I am not dating anyone"

To change the topic I brought up a test

" I will help u with it " said steven

After dinner , Steven as promised helped me with the test. He was an awesome brother. I could always count on him.

After that I was so tired that I immediately went to bed after answering amy's and christina's text.

Christina's said
" Meet me tomorrow ASAP!"

I wondered what it was. Maybe brian gifted her something cute or said something romantic.
With that I was of to never never land!

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