Chapter Six~

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Yes, it’ll surprise you all, but I got nothing to say in my Authoress’ Note right now except, perhaps, from THANK YOU! :D


“Tell the Clock to Stop Ticking”

Chapter Six:

 “Kuroko-kun.” A voice called out from behind him.

Blinking, the teal-head turned and found Jikan floating behind him. He was transparent and he had no feet. He was wearing his usual attire and that scroll he always had with him was nowhere to be found. “Jikan-san. Hello.” He greeted.

Jikan laughed. “As emotionless as always, I see.” He commented and offered a hand. “Let me see your hand.”

“Any hand?”

The other nodded.

He instantly gave his right hand towards Jikan and waited as the other inspected it. “How many days do you have left?”

Kuroko looked at one of wristbands and replied, “311 days, 16 hours, 10 minutes and 42 seconds left. Why?”

Jikan smiled before murmuring, “Are you happy?”

He might not look like it, but deep within, the phantom player was surprised and didn’t expect such a question to pop out of nowhere. He took a deep breath before answering, “Yes, I am. I am so happy.”

Jikan smiled in relief before ruffling the teal-head’s hair. “You’re a great guy, Kuroko-kun. Don’t worry about Shi. I’ll do my best taking care of him. By the way…”

“Yes, Jikan-san?”

The said guy stared at his hand. “You’re becoming more transparent than usual.”

“What…?” He mumbled and looked at his free hand. Indeed, if directed it towards the light, his hand was as transparent as ghost’s. He could see through it clearer than usual. “Why…?”

“It’s because you’re too happy.” Jikan explained. “You cannot become so happy, Kuroko-kun. It makes you a little more transparent than usual. You need to become neutral. You need to get away from Akashi Seijuuro for even just few days.”

“Is it forbidden to be too happy?”

Jikan floated around him. “Kinda. It’s just that…you’re given a second chance while some weren’t. As a token of consideration for their cases, the one given second chances shouldn’t become too happy. You need to feel their case even just a little.”

“That’s cruel.” He commented before lowering his hand. “Is there something else I need to do?”

Jikan grinned. “You saw through me.”

“You’re kind of like an angel. You’re too honest to keep a secret.” He explained and roamed around their empty house. His parents were away in a three-day trip while his grandma visited some of his aunties that were going to have a vacation in a nearby town. He would be all alone for almost a week.

The other smiled. “I shall accept that as a compliment.” He mumbled and floatingly sat on top of the walls. “Time’s ticking, Kuroko-kun.” He added with a sober expression. “Yes, you still have a lot of days but that doesn’t change the fact that not any of your friends remember you existed before.”

“They can’t remember me, whatever I do.”

“I know. But that’s your mission. To make them remember. Don’t say you’ll give up now.”

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