You Like Her, Don't You?

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Teamin's POV

It was almost four o'clock in the morning when the door of the conference room where we are staying opened and Mina entered. A tall guy, almost as tall as Minho-hyung, was tailing her. They were talking about something when she suddenly shifted her attention to us. For a second I thought she was looking at me with those round eyes. But realized soon enough that she was actually eyeing Jinki-hyung when she walked towards him. She sat on the vacant chair beside Jinki, the one occupied earlier by Jonghyun who is by now sleeping with his head on Kibum's shoulder. She gazed at my hyung and to my surprise, she held his chin & lifted his face so that they could have eye contact. Something inside me stirred as I looked at them staring at each others eyes. Before I could say something, Mina spoke,

"How are you feeling now Jinki-ssi?" she asked my flustered hyung.

"I-I'm feeling better now, still dizzy but not as awful as earlier. I will not touch alcohol for a very long time I guess." he tried joking to lighten up the mood.

"It's not the alcohol Jinki-ssi. They drugged you." she said as she lets go of his chin.

"WHAT??!?" I, Minho & Key said in chorus which caused Jonghyun to snap from his sleep.

"What happened?" he was too alert that he manged to stand up instanly while looking left and right as if checking if danger is coming from either side. It was really an amusing sight,if only we are in a different situation I could have laughed. Minho holds both of Jonghyun's shoulder, trying to calm him down. And when he calmed down, everyone was silent. 

"Why would they do that to hyung?" I broke the silence with my question.

"For money, I guess they recognized him as an idol and thought they'll get lots of it from this scheme. Gladly, everything was caught on the CCTV which we managed to get with the help of that guy over there, Han Dong Woo." she pointed towards the man whose presence was almost forgotten. He is now sitting at the farthest seat in the room.He gave us a salute as he was introduced.

"We got lucky they didn't get to delete the footages before we could get them. I have a hint some staff from the club are also involved in this scheme. I already requested the station to have them investigated." that Dong Woo guy said. By the sound of it, he is an officer. He got the looks of one too, towering height, broad shoulders, he is actually just a bit slimmer compared to Minho-hyung. 

"Are you the one assigned to Hyung's case?" Kibum asked.

"Actually no, I just got a call from Mina-ah that she needs help on something. She used me again." He said chuckling.

Mina-ah? She used him again?  Are they close to each other? What exactly is their relationship? I can't help but wonder. I'm just curious and that's it. 

"So you're friends with her?" I mentally thanked Kibum for voicing out my question.

"Yes, since grade school. It was hard but I endured being with her for a very long time now." he jokingly said which earns a groan from Mina.

"Huh, who endured being with me? You? You were lucky enough I accepted you as my friend." she wittily answered with a smirk.

"Yeah right." he answered with an eyeroll.

With their bickering I can already tell that they are close. They are now comfortably sitting beside each other continuing with the debate. My grip on the armchair tightened.

"Something wrong Taemin?" didn't realize Minho was already observing me and saw how my mood changed.

"Nothing Hyung, I just suddenly felt tired." I lied.

"Why don't you guys get some sleep first? Let Jinki-ssi rest for a few hours before the presscon." Mina said while looking at me. And I was lost again in those brown orbs.

"Yah Lee Taemin! You are spacing out again. You must be really tired." I'm glad Kibum took it that way. I can't tell them I'm spacing out because that lawyer told me, actually us, to get some rest with a soft voice.

"Let us go back to the dorm for now. I'm also exhausted from the drama shoot."Minho said.

"What time will the press conference be? I haven't talked to ajusshi yet. Where is he by the way?"

"He went to his office to check on your email, i guess it is the statement we are going to release." Minho said.

"I already told him to install an e-mail app on his phone. He never really listens." she said smiling.

"Alright, let's go home now & get some sleep" Dong Woo guy suggested.

"Go ahead, I'll take a nap here before going home. I'm really sleepy to drive. I haven't slept for almost 30 hours now." Mina said while walking towards a couch in the corner of the room,getting ready to sleep there. She must be really tired. She took of her leather jacket and laid down on the couch not minding anyone of us.

"Yah Mina-ah, I'll take you home, get up now." that Dong Woo guy said.

"It will be out of your way. And Ji Soo is already waiting for you. Go home buddy." she dismissed him. Now, who is Ji Soo? My questions are never ending.

"Ji Soo will understand, she might even kill me if I let you sleep here." he said trying to convince her.

They had a few exchange of arguments before the door opened and Lee Soo Man stepped inside.

"We arranged everything. The presscon will be at 10 am, so you may go home now to take a rest. Mina, I want you to take charge of everything, face the press." he said.

"Why me? Let Mr. Kim speak with the press. You know I'm not good with that Uncle" she pleads. She must really hate publicity.

"You should do this Mina, you are the head of the Legal Team, this is also a good time to introduce you to the public." he said with finality.

"You finally got to debut!" the police officer teased her to which she answered with a deathly glare.

"But Uncle--"

"You must be too tired to drive. Go with Shinee, their dorm is also the same way to your house. Leave your ride here, I'll ask their driver to pick you up later for the presscon." The old man didn't let her finish her sentence. So we will send her home, then pick her up later. I somehow felt excited.

"Alright, let's go home now. I just want to sleep." she said yawning not even a bit embarassed with all of us looking at her while she yawns.

"What? Are we going or not?" she said walking towards the door.

"You see? It's not easy to be with her. She's different, unconventional. You'll never know what's running in that pretty head.Can you put up with that?" I was surprised to realize that Dong Woo is actually talking to me as we are the last to exit from the conference room. Minho and Kibum is with Jinki helping the leader to walk. While Jonghyun walks sleepily following his members to the elevator.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked him.

"You like her, don't you?"

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