The Marble Bench

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CHAPTER TWO - Sushi's major exam's are coming up and so are mine, so that means our meetups are very short. We used to spend an entire day together. Although, I'm okay with it because we need to study. We both need to pass our exams if not, we're fucked. I'm a year younger than him, but we think alike. He's smart and witty, but I'm sassy and bitchy. (Well, bitchy to people I don't like.) One thing about us? We cannot get along. Yeah, we think alike but both of us are very different. I guess what they say is true - opposites attract. What can I say? He's given me the best love ever - and that is tough love, on days where I really need it.

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"So," he asked as he lit up his cigarette, "how does acid taste like?" I took a long puff and blew thick smoke to his face,"Tastes like your asshole." He laughed and pretended to burn me with his stick.  He's always trying to make me laugh. An hour later, I make my way back home and lock myself inside my room. I close my eyes and listen to 'The Beatles'. I imagine Sushi and I at our finest moments. The first kiss, first fight, first tear shed and..first breakup. Although fights and breakups hurts like a motherfucker, it was divine. It's something to remember throughout our crazy relationship. I reminisce our memories, pausing at the moments where we laughed till we couldn't speak, where we made fun of each other and times where I lay on him and feel like my forever was in his arms - sometimes, I feel like it really is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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