Pedo Teacher

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So our MAPEH teacher's a fucken pedo and there's plenty of evidence.

First evidence! Too much touchies.

I have a friend in my section let's just call her.. Mikey.

She's actually the one who encouraged me to sociallize in our section.

Her boyfriend was my classmate on grade 8, he was a scumbag yeah but he changed.

Anyways so our teacher, let's call him Pedobear cuz why not.

He'd always come near Mikey when we're doing seatworks and be all like

Hey, is that from Science/Hey is that from Math etc, etc.

Then he'll proceed to touch her on her shoulder.

Hell it wasn't even touching anymore it was lowkey caressing already.

My buddy and I would pretend to ask her help from a seatwork to make Pedobear go away.

Next evidence came from my other pals from the best section.

This other gorl let's call her Kristabel.

Kristabel was top 1 both in her section and overall.

One day during free time, Pedobear said the exact words.

If I was the same age as you guys, I'd flirt with Kristabel.

Of course everyone pretended to laugh but showed their disgust once Pedibear left the room.

Next evidence, PE class.

We did exercises and Mikey was wearing a V neck shirt.

Pushups? Okay that's cool.

Now we saw Pedobear approach Mikey.

He asked if Mikey was okay and if she can still handle it.

The angle of where he was looking though

I think we all know where.

Last evidence, the latest project he gave us.

A goddamn self portrait for digital art he says.

Self portrait my ass, he just wants fap material.

Luckily it got canceled, praise the gods.

More reasons why we hate him besides being a pedophile?

Idk if all schools have this but we got CAT which means Citizenship Advancement Training.

Basically it's a boyscout/girlscout but with a more military aesthetic.

Hehe not bragging but I'm a medic >:3

Anyways, one time I couldn't attend training and wrote an excuse letter because I was having nosebleeds.

No it wasn't because of drawing lewd art I swear.

No seriously you sick fucks it was hot as hell here okay.

Sooo then okay excuse letter's done and my grade was..

Fucking 82.

And some pretty gorls who rarely attended training and even got caught smoking was like 89 and shit.

So fuck discipline if you're good fap material you get high grades?

Looks like it's time to be a goddamn trap.

AustralianBucket what are your thoughts on this?

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