| R U L E S + P A Y M E N T S|

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Make sure you follow the rules and payments for the covers and aesthetics to be delivered:

Fill out the form correctly. Please note that if  you're description is not descriptive enough, there's a chance I might not accept the request. So be as descriptive as possible.

You must use the cover/aesthetic for atleast a week (and change it if you like later). It would be outright disrespectful if I put effort in the graphic and you would not use it in the end.

Please be polite. If you want to change something in the graphic then please do tell me, I'll fix it. Though changes will be made only once/ twice if needed.

You can order a maximum of three aesthetics per order. And cover for only one book.

Your book must be published or should be published within a week AFTER ordering it.

Do NOT shop- hop.

none of the covers and aesthetics in the portfolio are to be used without my permission. If you need an aesthetic like that then all you have to do is ask. There's a form sitting in the next chapter just for that purpose.

→ The accounts listed in the VIP list have the first preference and if they order with you, their order is gonna be finished first.

→ make sure you follow all the payments once the request has been accepted or it could be cancelled.

→ and as for the last payment , you can do it once the order is delivered and if this is not fulfilled then you will be added to the blacklist.

→(new update) I haven't added any accounts in the blacklist yet because I couldn't be that evil or something but some people are really annoying me with not giving me the credit I deserve. So don't mind if you find your name there. And once you are in the blacklist, no more covers would be made for you.

Even after all these rules and payments if you are ready to go ahead and cooperate with me, then jump right to the next chapter and fill away!


| P A Y M E N T S |

A permanent follow is a must.

→ Votes on all the chapters.

→  Add this book in your public reading list [and also library for notifications.]

→ A credit in the description of the book or wherever you use the aesthetics. [ cover by: Limelight_stealer]


|V I P -  L I S T|





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